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Movie News

WE WERE SOLDIERS picture to excite

Hey folks, Harry here... I'd like to say I have read the script for WE WERE SOLDIERS... the epic Vietnam flick that Randall Wallace has been making with Mel Gibson and half a dozen damn fine other actors.... But I can't... Whoever sent me my spy copy of the script, only copied every other page (2 sided script danger!) so I felt that the first 12 pages were erratic and moved too quickly, before my slow-witted brain stem signaled my conciousness to realize I was missing half the script! Sigh... However, the evil one... Moriarty wrote up his feelings about the script quite some time ago... Now, marry that with this image... and you've got EXCITEMENT!


Just saw a still over at


from the new Randall Wallace/Mel Gibson film. Looks incredible! What do you know about this film???

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