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BUFFY/ANGEL Intel: Dawn & Cordy Clues!!

I am – Hercules!!

Dawn Summers!

As widely suspected, the Halloween “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” (featuring Dawn’s rampant misbehavior) has been bumped – by “Buffy’s” slightly earlier, Oct. 2 premiere – from episode 6.5 to episode 6.6.

The big news is:

a) we’ll find out during this installment that Dawn will, in at least one interesting way, follow closely in her sister’s footsteps (nothing to do with superpowers); and

b) we finally seem to get some clues this episode with regard to what Dawny was up to with Anya’s earrings late last season.

Cordelia Chase!

This from an attendee of Dragon Con (whatever that is!):

It seems that Groosalugg (Our 'Ugly' cromshuking beast from the Host's dimension) will be returning to Angel this season. This could mean that either he crosses over or the gang returns to the dimension again. Either way it will be interesting, especially for Cordy.

ME: "You know I really like your character, is he going to be back in the new season."

MARK LUTZ pauses and smiles his bright pearly whites broadly

MARK: "I am not at liberty to say."

ME: "Ah, so that means yes?"

MARK gives this very evil wicked grin

Coaxial News adds only this: No one among the “Angel” regulars is scheduled to return to Pylea this year.

To learn of Coaxial’s many, many other 2001-2002 Buffy/Angel spoilers, just type “Buffy” or “Angel” in that AICN search box over the to the left there. Ya little weiner dog, ya.

I see you, Dave!!

I am – Hercules!!

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