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Oh my god, this is the most spine tingling story I've read in a long time. An EC quality thriller. Chester Kent here, earns his geek medal of honor for surviving 48 consecutive hours of GODZILLA. I can't imagine what that would do to you. It's not really news, but I couldn't ignore the magnitude of the sacrifice this geek gave up. Did he make it? Did he survive all 48 hours? Read on... and remember, THIS COULD HAPPEN TO YOU!!!!

Harry, the following is a story that I wanted to tell you about that happened to me last weekend. After I was able to read both of your reviews of the movie I saw, I thought you might want to hear about my experience.

Last Wednesday while looking through the local paper I read an ad for a marathon for a certain movie that is out in theaters. I entered the contest and just happened to be one of the ten contestants to be chosen to take the task of watching GODZILLA for 48 hours straight. At first I was thinking how stupid it was until I saw what the prizes were. The thing that caught my eye was the part that said something about winning passes to movies. That seemed cool enough to me, so I decided that I was gonna do it!!! Plus, I had to make up for the loss I had at the beginning of the week when a friend decided to jip me out of the GODZILLA tickets to the premiere in NYC he could have gotten for me. Arrgghhh!!!! Some friend!!!!

Anyway, I arrived at the theater at 11:30 PM on Friday night. We were all told the rules of the contest then we were ushered into the theater to bear witness to the midnight showing of GODZILLA. The point of this contest was to see who could last the longest during a 48 hour time period of watching GODZILLA over and over and over, right after the next. Well, I had first seen the movie on May 19th when the first showings were held so I had already seen it. So I was going into this already knowing what would happen. The hours started to pass, the soda started to back up inside of me, and I was getting tired of watching the same trailers before every showing. We first saw the incredible MASK OF ZORRO trailer, the one for CAN'T HARDLY WAIT, then the stupid trailer for APT PUPIL (that looks soooo pointless of a movie, what a waste), then one of the best trailers I have seen in a long time...ARMAGEDDON. The one that starts off saying "Life is short, love is forever." Now being an extra in DEEP IMPACT, I was sort of hoping ARMAGEDDON would suck. Hehe. But that isn't likely. This movie looks incredible!!!

Alright, back to the GODZILLA-THON. By the end of the 48 hours I had seen GODZILLA 16 times. Yeah, I know...don't say it. The first few times of watching "The Most Anticipated Movie of 1998", the movie seemed thrilling having some parts done alittle better than in JURASSIC PARK. But as I got around to the 6th or 7th showing, the movie began to run out of that thrill I had first seen and I realized how awful the acting, plot, and everything else this movie had to offer was. Everytime the opening credits would begin, the four of us that were remaining would begin to wimper and try to count how many hours we had left before we could go home and go to sleep. Oh yeah, we weren't allowed to sleep through this thing. Luckily the sleep deprivation had made us all a little wacko so sitting through these multiple screenings wasn't that bad since most of the time we were just giggling at the stupidest parts of the movie. Which brings me back to the acting, why oh why was Maria Pittullo (is that how you spell it? Ahh, who cares) cast in this movie? Her acting was sooooo incredibly awful I wanted to jump into the movie and throw her into Godzilla's mouth myself. And to add to that crappy "acting", she has weird facial expressions that make you cringe. Arghh, if any movie has her name listed in the credits in the future, I am staying away from it.

To wrap this up, I have to tell you that I DID last through the whole 48 hours of straight GODZILLA with absolutely NO sleep! Even though most of the movie was just...well, if you have read this far you know how I feel about it all, I think it was worth it. I got my golden ticket for the movie theater and some other prizes including GODZILLA merchandise. I also got to talk to the theater workers about upcoming movies. That was the fun part about the entire weekend, those guys and gals were some of the best people I have met in a long time. We talked about every movie that was coming out this summer and we all shared our opinions on them. We were all just trying to take our minds off of GODZILLA. Anyway, I just wanted to give my two cents about the movie and tell you the story of my two hellish days in a movie theater. Sorry for writing so much. Keep up the good work Harry.

Chester Kent

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