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Movie News

Footage from Matrix 1.1: Wannabe aka (that hack crap RESIDENT EVIL flick)

Hey folks, Harry here.... Wanna see footage that you would swear was assembly footage from a dozen different flicks purporting to be from a film called RESIDENT EVIL? Wanna see nothing that even vaguely resembles a zombie, but that does look like the Sky Bar at the Mondrian in Los Angeles? Want a film with very processed white light everywhere and no real sense of flow or story conveyed? That's right, we've got a Paul 'the hack' Anderson production for you to look at.... Watch it and weep.. But hey... wanna see a real Zombie trailer? CLICK HERE or Buy This and of course noone should forget to Click Here!!!

Hey Harry-

See the first resident evil footage! it's located here,

CLICK HERE AND Fast Forward to 3:40 and watch!

It's a stream of some euro entertainment show, but fast foreward about 3:40 in to it, and you'll see some clips of an upcoming brad pit movie. And after that, it's the first few clips of the Resident Evil film! now, when I heard George Romero was booted from this, and Anderson *cough*hack*cough* gained control, I lost faith, but these clips, minus the cliche hackneyed Matrix-y fight scene, looks like it's pretty much on the right track .


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