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Herc Reviews ANGEL 3.5!!

Angel 3.5 FAQ

What’s it called?


Who’s responsible?

Teleplay credited to Mere Smith (“Over the Rainbow”).

What does TV Guide say?

Fred's parents (Gary Grubbs, Jennifer Griffin) make a surprise visit to Angel Investigations. However, when their inexplicably frightened daughter gets wind of their arrival, she flees the scene. Not trusting Mr. and Mrs. Burkle, the gang prepares to protect Fred from them - providing she can be found. Meanwhile, a strange, insectile demon stalks the crew.

Any disclaimers?

Yeah. This FAQ contains mild spoilers for episodes beyond tonight’s.

What is TV Guide not telling us?

Fred’s problems are pretty much all in her head.

The big news?

The episode begins as Angel returns from his meeting with Buffy.

Do we learn where Buffy and Angel met?


Do we learn anything about their meeting?

Angel tells the crew that he’d prefer not to talk about it. (The slayer won’t be a whole lot more forthcoming in tomorrow night’s completely hilarious “Buffy.”)

Anyone from Wolfram & Hart pay a visit this week?


Any sign of Darla?

Nope. The supersized Darla is back from Central America in two weeks (maybe even the end of next week’s installment).

Any sign of Holtz?

Nope. But he’s back for sure in two weeks.

What about that fire-cage guy?

Nope. Fire-cage Billy takes center stage next week.

Krevlornswath (of the Deathwok Clan)?

He’s back and still sifting through the wreckage of Caritas. (Relations between Krev and Gunn, we learn, are still pretty tense following the events of two weeks ago.)

What’s good?

The insectile demon special effects are jarring and exceedingly well done by TV standards. And there’s a withering reference to a troubled phase of Joss Whedon’s film career.

What’s not so good?

Everything save the bug stuff is pretty tired and predictable; the plot moves slowly; the jokes are tepid; Fred’s motivation for avoiding her parents is muddy and not terribly interesting. It’s not unwatchable mind you; just one of the blander tales of the Buffyverse.

Herc’s rating for “Angel” 3.5?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:

  • ***** better than we deserve
  • **** better than most motion pictures
  • *** actually worth your valuable time
  • ** as horrible as most stuff on TV
  • * makes you quietly pray for bulletins

I am – Hercules!!

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