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HERC Reviews BUFFY 6.8!!

I am – Hercules!!


How did that Socratic dialogue go in Coax’s “Tablula Rasa” spoilers from Oct. 14?

What’s it called?

“Tabula Rasa.”

Who’s responsible?

Teleplay is credited to Rebecca Rand Kirschner, author of “Tough Love” (the one in which Glory gives Tara the ol’ brain suck).

Does it deal with the aftermath of the 6.7 (“Once More, With Feeling”) the big truth-telling musical episode?

It does!!!

Including what Buffy did to Spike?

Yes!!! (And much, much more.)

What’s the what?

Even TV Guide will likely give away more than this: A spell causes all the Scoobies to awaken in the Magic Box with anmnesia. They don’t know who they are, who their friends are, or that demons and vampires exist.

Is Rupert Giles still hanging about?

Just barely; we are very, very sad to report that this will be Anthony Stewart Head’s final episode. Like Riley, Oz, Angel, Cordy, Faith, Harmony, Wesley, Dru and God knows who else, Giles could easily return at some point, but there are no clues indicating if he will be back, or when.

The big news?

Another shoe from “Restless” drops! Spike spends the bulk of the episode in that tweedy suit he wore in a certain dream sequence.

Any new bad guys this week?

Yes, and - holy mackeral! - the creators are getting very creative with their demons. A fellow named “Teeth” is connected to a part of Spike’s life we will find out about toward the end of 6.5, “Life Serial.”

Have Tara and Willow already moved out of Joyce’s bedroom at this point? Y’know, since Buffy’s back and everything?

No, as the episode kicks off, we see that Casa del Summers remains very much the house of estrogen, with Dawn, Buffy and their lesbian pals all slumbering under the same roof.

Any sign of the Legion of Nerdy Doom?

Jonathan, Warren and Andrew sit the episode out.

What did Herc say about this episode in Coax’s “Tablula Rasa” spoilers from Nov. 10??

False assumptions are made about the Scoobs’ relationships to one another?

They are. Anya makes a false assumption about her relationship with Giles, but Anya’s not the only one who assumes he or she is something more than a friend to Sunnydale’s resident watcher.

Do Buffy and Spike deal with having had sex this episode?

No. Mostly because Spike and Buffy have not had sex.

Do Buffy and Spike sleep together during this episode?

They do not. As the episode begins, Spike and Buffy are barely on speaking terms, and Buffy blames last episode’s kiss on the singing spell. “What we did, is done,” she patiently explains to Spike in the teaser. “But I will never kiss you Spike, never touch you, ever, ever again.”

Do Willow and Xander kiss?

No. At least not romantically.

What does the demon Teeth look like?

We dropped a huge clue in Coax’s “Tablula Rasa” spoilers from a month ago.

How soon after “Once More, With Feeling” (6.7) does “Tabula Rasa” (6.8) take place?

Soon. It’s not specified, but it could easily start the same night as the singing demon’s departure.

When does everyone wake up memory-free?

Beginning of act two. The teaser and first act deal with the events of the previous episode. Act two is essentially one very long scene, set entirely in and around the Magic Box as the gang tries to sort things out.

Does Spike wearing the tweed suit have something to do with him being some kind of watcher or future watcher or Giles replacement?

No. It’s a disguise. A disguise Spike dons before the memory-sapping.

Why does Spike need a disguise?

He’s avoiding Teeth, to whom he owes kitties.

Can’t everyone piece together their identities from their wallets?

Not everyone is carrying a wallet.

Who doesn’t carry a wallet?

Spike, Buffy, Anya and Dawn.

The big ending to “Tabula Rasa” of which Herc has spoken – is this the major character death of which Herc has spoken?


Does the big ending involve Amy’s derodentification?

No. Amy remains all ratty throughout “Tabula Rasa.” Only in the following episode, “Smashed” (6.9), is Amy finally restored to human form.

Did Herc’s sources get everything right?

They did.

How about one more spoiler?

A memory-deprived Buffy renames herself “Joan.”

Why “Joan”?

Theories, undoubtably, will abound.

What’s great?

The subtle homage to “Dopplegangland.” Gellar’s reading of the line “It was cool!” Anya’s continued great bad luck with spellcasting. Buffy’s reaction to Spike’s third-act theory about himself. Giles’ swordfight (if you know what I mean). Anya’s guilty awakening. The impossibly moving final act.

What’s not so great?

“Tabula Rasa” endures the burden of having to follow the insane genius of “Once More, With Feeling.” (And, for the love of all that is holy, don’t boot up your copy of “Once More, With Feeling” for reference – you’ll only have to watch the whole thing again! It grows more compelling with every viewing; you will find it impossible to turn off!) Also? ‘Tis strange the way Teeth’s men sometimes wisely fear the memory-deprived Buffy, and other times foolishly do not. Also also? The letterboxing is all gone! Even the shot from “Once More, With Feeling” is full-screen! Why does UPN let “Enterprise” be letterboxed but not “Buffy”? Herc smash!

Herc’s rating for “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” 6.8?


The Hercules T. Strong Rating System:

  • ***** better than we deserve
  • **** better than most motion pictures
  • *** actually worth your valuable time
  • ** as horrible as most stuff on TV
  • * makes you quietly pray for bulletins

I warn you not to defy me!!

I am – Hercules!!

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