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RAMBO IV: Night Of The Taliban'

Hey folks, Harry here. RAMBO 4 is coming. He's going to beat the shit out of the Taliban. He's going to go into those old Afganistan Tunnels like he did in RAMBO 3, but this time it isn't to hide from Russian Helicopters... This time it is to find that wascally wabbit... huhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh, Osama Bin Laden and skin him like them aliens in South American jungles do. Ya know... Jingoistic rah rah flicks like this were inevitable, and personally... If George W Bush and Colin Powell were to personally make cameos alongside Tony Blair in this movie... I would line up 2 days in advance to buy the first tickets. It is incredible. Rambo... Let's see, he survived Vietnam right? Special Forces... right? So 28 years ago a 25-30 year old man was an elite special forces hunter killer... right? Now, this 53-58 year old Veteren, who has to be suffering aging ramifications from the injuries he's suffered is going to kill every Arabic looking actor in Hollywood for like 5 months of shooting up in probably UTAH? Insane. But hey, I say we bring back George Cosmatos! I say we use high intensity laser projectors to project it on the surface of the moon every full moon night for a year so Afganistan is forced to watch John Rambo coming for them. It's propaganda and it's gonna be obvious. So just look at it as a by-product of history. Yee haw... ahem... Actually I know he won't be battling Osama but... I can dream

It was just announced today, that Sylvester Stallone has come up with a story for ole Rambo to tackle. No, he won't be doing battle with Osama Bin Laden but whatever it is, you can bet it's just a last ditch effort to resurrect the long-stalled career of the aging action star Sylvester Stallone.

I guess the same thing that prompted Arnold Schwarzenegger to re-tool his 'Terminator' persona also took a bite out of Stallone's ego. You gotta sympathize with them, they were the biggest and most popular stars at one time, now they've become former shadows of themselves, struggling to stay afloat with the same mediocre material that all but sunk their careers back in the early 90's.

I'm little worried though. Yes, Stallone wrote 'Rambo: First Blood Pt.2', which is still one of my favourite action movies, but so did James Cameron. Without Cameron, we were left with 'Rambo III'. And it was Stallone himself who turned down 'Beverly Hills Cop' because he felt he could write something better, enter 'Cobra'.

Granted, Stallone wasn't responsible for the writing in his movies but he's the one who ok'd them. And his finger prints are all over the 'Driven' stink-fest. I'm thinking he decided to do this, not only because America is all gung-ho about patriotism and patriotic-themed movies that involve heros. But because he probably knows this is his last shot at the brass ring again. 'Eye See You' (a.k.a. 'Detox') has been shelved and moved so many times, it's about to celebrate its one year anniversary of the first time it was...well, you know. And 'Avenging Angelo' looks to be another 'Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot'.

Regardless of how 'Rambo IV' turns out, I'd stand in line to see it. Mostly because I'm nostalgic. I miss those good ole days when Rambo was the talk of the town. The days before 'Judge Dredd' and 'Rambo III'. Before Jerry Bruckheimer started recruiting kids like Ben Affleck and Josh Hartnett to do what Stallone and Schwarzenegger were doing so very well in the 80's.

Sly, Go For It!

John Patrick

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