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A Few Mutant Enemy-Related Bits!!

I am – Hercules!!

1. Don’t forget UPN is debuting its slightly-pared-down version of the “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” musical episode that ran a week and a half ago. What’s to hit the cutting room floor? The overture? The demon’s number? The big kiss at the end? It airs at 8 p.m. (just before the debut of the Shatner-hosted “Iron Chef USA”)

2. Numerous sources indicate there will again be only be one new episode of “Buffy” in December, then nothing after that until late January. Fans of that other big UPN flagship, “Enterprise,” have it ever worse: Once its second FutureGuy installment airs on Nov. 28, new episodes disappear until Jan. 23.

3. The new issue of the “Angel” comic book miniseries, co-authored by Joss Whedon, hit stores and stands two days ago.

4. While picking up your copy of “Angel,” you might want to snatch also the newly issued second “Planetary” trade paperback. “Planetary” is likely one of the five best comic book series of the last five years, and this edition features a one-page foreward (or preface; I’m too lazy to check) by a Mr. Joss Whedon.

I am – Hercules!!

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