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ANGEL 3.12!! Talk Back!!

I am – Hercules!!

What's it called?


Who’s responsible?

Scott Murphy (3.4 “Carpe Noctem”).

What does TV Guide say?

“Unprepared for the flood of business brought in by advertising, the Angel Investigations crew splits up to cover more ground - and ends up being spread too thin for its own good. Also, Fred is offered big bucks to solve a demonic puzzle; Angel goes to work for a high-paying businessman; and Gunn and Wesley protect a woman whose zombie ex-boyfriend is stalking her.”

Why does this sound so familiar?

Coax had some spoilers on this episode on Nov. 23 (the same post that announced Skip’s triumphant return).

Is Cordy still all floaty?

Not so much. But she does try to reacquire her floatiness.

The Big News?

Holtz is back, baby!! (Albeit briefly.)

What’s he up to?

He’s still testing the increasingly interesting Justine the vampire slayer.

Wolfram & Hart back too?

Not this week.

What is TV Guide not telling us?

Demons offer Fred $50,000 to solve the demon puzzle, but Fred might actually be better off if she didn’t.

Why didn't Melissa Rosenberg go all the way and just rename herself Joan Rivers Jr.?

I don't know.

I am – Hercules!!

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