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SUM OF ALL FEARS Trailer Online Now And In Theaters Friday!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

I know many of you are already pissy about this film because of the casting of Ben Affleck in a role that Harrison Ford has played so well for so many years now. Personally, I never really liked the Ford/Ryan films. I think THE HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER remains the one true class act in the series, the only one of the films to work as a whole. There's plenty of room for reinterpretation of what has always been a fairly bland character, more a device for political thrillers than a real character. The idea of going back to see how someone becomes Jack Ryan, how someone ends up being that person whispering in the ear of the person with his finger on the button... that's interesting to me. And Affleck might just have what it takes to pull it off.

At least, he might based on what you see in the trailer for the film, which is currently an exclusive over on Yahoo! Movies.


This film, more than any other, will be the real test to see what sort of tolerance level audiences have for thrillers in which terrorism play a major role. There are scenes in this movie that might still cut to close to the bone for some audiences. I trust Phil Alden Robinson, though, and I think this looks like it might be a worthy entry into this oddball franchise. I certainly plan to give it every chance when it is released.

So what did YOU think?

"Moriarty" out.

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