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Bobo The Hog Saw Vin Diesel

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

Bobo’s may be the first report we’ve gotten in about a screening of this film. I personally think the new trailer for the film is a lot of fun, and I’m finally interested. If this movie manages to capture the particular goofball charm that Vin Diesel exudes in person, the thing that makes executives fall for the guy, then there’s a chance this could close the summer with a big goddamn bang.

Here’s what the Hog has to say:

Harry and Moriarty,

My handle is Bobo the Hog, and I am a first time poster, long time reader.

I happened into the first screening for the public of XXX last week at the Bridge in Westchester, Cali. Just a piece of advice, if you find out any screening you are at is put on by MTV, run for the hills. This movie started an hour late, but thank the gods it was one with The Vin.

Though the movie didn’t have the opening title sequences, most of the sound effects were missing and a lot of the computer effects were partials, I have to say the movie kicks ass. It doesn’t kick in a way where you spend the rest of the day thinking about the philosophical implications, and the story is nothing original. Sorry, there is none of the wafer-thin, psuedo attempts at intelligence that Spielberg tried with Minority Report. That being said, you people aren’t going to see this movie for that, right? There aren’t really any spoilers, either.

Vin is an extreme athlete who is recruited to be a spy, goes to eastern Europe to fight former Russian soldiers, gets the girl and saves the day. None of that matters, because he does all that in ways cooler than any spy before him could imagine. The Vin makes Bond look like the British priss he is. The Vin makes you want to be a spy, because then you would be a badass snowboarding, skateboarding, skydiving, motorcycle jumping, ass kicking, getting all the girls mother. If you liked “Fast and the Furious” or just thought it was kind of cool to watch, then this is that movie cranked to 11. Go see it, and dig The Vin.

People you know what you are getting here, but it is more fun to watch than anything I’ve seen this summer, but that PG-13 sucks. You will know what I mean when Vin starts macking on the ladies.

Oh, and the cameos of Tony Hawk and Matt Hoffman were cool, too.

Now for one complaint:

First, what is with all these computer effects that don’t look real at all? You are sitting there, completely into the movie, and suddenly you are watching X-Box on the screen without the benefit of being the person playing. You know what I am talking about. That scene in Attack of the Clones when Anakin is standing/riding that bull/cow thing. That was bullshit. Those moments take one completely out of the story, and they all suck. XXX has a couple of these that I hope are fixed for the final release (you could be blind and see them during the snowboarding part), but these things are becoming more common than David Arquette sightings in bad movies. They all suck.

Forever, Bobo the Hog

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