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Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

Last year in Montreal, I saw this thing devastate a crowd and bring them to their feet for a long, sustained standing ovation with the director present. It was the first showing of the film, as I understand it. It was an amazing afternoon, and now that it’s being shown at other festivals, we’re hearing the same ecstatic buzz there as well. DreamWorks has a real winner on their hand next year if they sell this right. Could this finally be the CROUCHING TIGER, HIDDEN DRAGON that anime has been looking for, the film that can cross over and open the market up in a whole new way? Read on to see if LUCHO thinks so...

I just had to write and chime in on DrunkenMonk's review of Millenium Actress.


First let me say that I grew up on anime, but in recent years have lost touch/interest with anime culture. It's fustrating knowing all the coolness that is possible and yet somehow never comes to light. Perhaps the time has come where all that will change.

I cannot remember the last time I saw a movie that blew me away the way this film has. Animated, live action, foriegn or domestic. This movie is a gem. Simply beautiful.

This film is accesible to everyone, much more universal in its themes than say, Mononoke. And even more engaging. The first five or ten minutes are slow, and next thing you know, you are HOOKED - right till the end. The pacing is just right. Great storytelling, editing, music, and character development. (...all on a modest budget too.)

Don't take my word for it.As soon as you can see it..GO. Go five times, tell your friends. Here's hoping for the commercial success of this film. This may be the one to finally give not only Anime, but animation the merit to be taken seriously as an art form. Dreamworks has a winner here. And if Spirited Away can pull it off, we may just start to see bigger and better things on the horizon.


Brief but passionate. It seems to almost leave viewers speechless. When you get a look at it next year, let’s see if you all have the same reaction, too.

"Moriarty" out.

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