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AMERICAN CANDIDATE - A Capra Dream of a Populist President or A Nightmare To Be'

Hey folks, Harry here... I don't do too much over here at Coaxial, but I'm just very interested in discussing and seeing you comment on the idea of a television show that has the potential to actually push into existence a third party candidate with the media exposure to actually become the President of the United States.

If you've been watching CNN or reading reports around the net, you've probably heard about the concept of AMERICAN CANDIDATE and new show by FX - which plans to have viewers and regular people attempt to become President of the United States... Apparently there will be debates, discussions, backgrounds, primary style situations... All sorts of stuff that will help the home viewer choose their candidate. Here's the breakdown...

Applications will be accepted from natural-born U.S. citizens who will be 35 years old by January 20, 2005. The candidates must produce a petition signed by 50 supporters.

A panel of experts will choose 100 semifinalists, two from each state, who will be introduced to viewers in the series' first episode.

Episodes will be broadcast live from locations like Mount Rushmore, Gettysburg and the Statue of Liberty, where the candidates will compete with such things as debates and stump speeches. Viewers will gradually eliminate candidates.

Now will these "candidates" be writing their own speeches or will they have "network writers" honing and crafting their speeches? Is this Fox's bid to take over the country? Giving Millions and Million and Millions of dollars of free publicity behind a non-seasoned politician wannabe - could it possibly work to dislodge the established two party system? Having a popularly chosen candidate that people tune in week after week to watch come into power... that you would root for, hope for and would be being groomed with all the powers of a network for the express purpose of possibly becoming the leader of the United States?

Is this the dream of a Frank Capra MEET JOHN DOE situation? Is Rupert an Edward Arnold would be Richelieu? Is this a bad thing? Is this exactly what the U.S. needs to get a candidate that is outside of the established political arena? Someone more pure? Or would this turn into MILLI VANILLI - fakery? Or are we already seeing that today with our current political leaders?

I am genuinely interested to see what you folks think of this sort of thing. Comfortable or a perversion? Here you go with your forum to Talk Back...

The series will begin in early 2004 and culminate around July 4 with a live show at The Mall in Washington, D.C., where viewers will choose their favorite candidate for president.

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