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A Report on Some EPISODE 2 IMAX Trimmings!

Hey folks, Harry here with Boom-Boom Bangs, she's a hot dame that was serving many at the All Night Horror-Thon here in Austin and while... well, you'll read below, but she's 100% reliable. Seems like George was making some good cuts! Here ya go...

Hi Harry-poo,

I just heard an interesting bit of Star Wars info I thought you'd want to know about. A 'friend' of mine was licking my ear and decided to let a few hot breathy words out that he saw the IMAX screening of "Episode 2" and said it FUCKING ROCKS. That got my nipples hard just thinking about it!

He said it's the best Star Wars experience he's ever had - period. And no, he didn't mean that type of period you perv! And what makes it especially sweet is that Lucas cut the meadow scene! The scene of Ani and Amidala frolicking in the field? Gone. Bye bye. My bosom heaves a sigh of relief. Also cut is my favorite bad Star Wars line, which is "I'm Owen Lars, this is my girlfriend Beru." Helloooo, that was so 1983 FACTS OF LIFE!

As I was coming up for air, I asked my friend if a dose of reality hit Lucas in the cutting room, and he said apparently the scenes were cut for "technical reasons." Yeah, right! Because they technically blew like Honey Shayne, and that one drags the teeth darling! Due to the IMAX platter form, the film cannot be any longer than 2 hours, so some cuts had to be made. Interesting that those scenes are what Lucas chose to cut. I can't wait to see this! Absinthe, anyone?

Boom-Boom Bangs

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