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A pic from WILLARD and a post-Smeagol - pre-Gollum pic of ... well, just you look and see!

Hey folks, Harry here... Doesn't this shot of Smeagol / Gollum just break your heart... I mean... OUCH - pain, pathetic, sadness... Personally I can't wait to see Gollum do a Christmas Special where he hates all the dirty little hobbitssess parties and mirth, and one night steals all their joy, only to realize the error of his ways and be... the biggest littlest hobbit creature of them all... awwwwww, isn't that an original tale?

Hey Harry,

Maybe everyone's seen this picture but me and I'm just stuffing your box w/ more bloody rubbish - but I found an interesting picture of Smeagol over at American Cinematographer. I haven't read the article yet - don't know if they talk about this pic - but I'm speculating that it's from one of the flashback scenes that was cut out of TTT and being saved for TROTK. Part of Smeagol's transformation into Gollum. I've heard about the scene but haven't seen anything from it till now.

- A Friend

Meanwhile... My friend BEN sent in this shot from WILLARD of Crispin Glover just ruling planet Earth from up on high. I'm there. First off... any movie that dares to STAR Crispin Glover is a film that ejaculates coconut cream on it's audience and asks you to lick it up! I'm talking SWEET damn casting, ya know? Here's the shot...

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