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WRONG TURN Screening Review And Red-Banded Trailer!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab.

I was talking with someone at the BUFFY party last week who just detested this film and called it “horrible,” and our own Mr. Beaks was none too fond of it himself. But the guy who sent in today’s review is an indie filmmaker who gave me his self-financed film on tape when he came to see one of the screenings I hosted. Nice guy. He seems quite enthusiastic about the film, and so did a lot of you based on the new red-banded trailer. I got a lot of these letters:

Just thought I would let you know there is a new web-exclusive, RESTRICTED trailer for "Wrong Turn" up at Apple. I'm really beginnning to like this film ...



And now there’s that review:

Just returned from the Advance Screening of WRONG TURN at the Majestic Crest in Westwood. I was very pleased to see the tribute of the classic horror gimmicks of an Ambulance and Paramedics waiting outside the theatre. There were also signs claming on site psychiartrists will also be available after the film. Everyone entering into the theatre had to be subjected to getting their blood pressure monitored to see if you could handle the film. Being the fat ass that I'am I was warned I really should get up check up. Inside souvenir BARF BAGS were handed out with disclaimers on the bag: WARNING Any persons with heart problems, high blood pressure, pace-makers and nervous conditions should not see this film. Risk of serious injury or health problems may occur. The management is not responsible for any problems that may occur.

Now these FREE Passes were handed out at the FANGORIA CONVENTION last weekend, after a display like this with die hard horror fans, they had better delivered. I'm pleased to say they did 100%. It was like Deliverance on Crack. Just as Stan Winston, wearing his classic plain black T-shirt, took stage a voice yells from the back Take Your Shirt Off. Now normally, I would start to feel Homophobic but realizing it came from Arnold Schwarzenegger I started to laugh.

The film starts off as your typical horror movie, as the characters are introduce it's easy to figure out the pecking order of deaths. Good looking Guy meets Better Looking Single Tough Girl whose friends with the Non-Stopping Comic Guy whose girlfriend is the Fall Down I Can't Go On and Yes the Stoners Who Decide To Stay Back and Smoke A Dube get taken out first.

Yes, every thing is very cliché in Act I but it's been so long since a good teen slasher flick I didn't care. It had that Late 80's early 90's Horror film vibe that made me feel like I was back in High School again. No plot twists just run your ass off. The Second leading into the Third Act is why they decided to release this with the Summer Blockbusters. The case scene that occurs atop a tree line, in the dark, is worth the price of admission alone. The action and suspense rarely stop. You must see this in a LOUD theatre to get the full impact. As for the gore, most of it is implied but it will still send shivers up your spine. The crowd was eerily quite at the beginning but was totally won over at the end.

Call me THE D.T's

Maybe the movie’s good. Maybe it’s not. All I know is, Eliza Dushku was shit-hot on CONAN O’BRIEN last week, and needs to consider how advantageous it could be if she were married to an Evil Genius...

"Moriarty" out.

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