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Wanna see the original STAR WARS without all the g'damn CGI B.S.' Live in Los Angeles' It's on the Big Screen!

Hey folks, Harry here... How many of you have never seen the real STAR WARS on the big screen? I know many of you readers out there were not even alive when STAR WARS first hit the big screen. Many of you didn't come into existence till after Jedi hit the screens. And for most, their first chance to see them on the big screen was with the Special Editions. After the momentary "coolness" that one felt of simply seeing the films again on the big screen, a sudden sinking feeling come over many... That feeling was... we'll never see the original on the big screen. While that may, mainly be true, it seems that the folks behind the City Of The Angels Film Festival... celebrating a century of cinema, with examples from each decade... well, I think you'll agree that seeing the unmolested unaltered STAR WARS on the big screen is something of a miracle these days... I had to let you know...

original star wars screening in l.a.

Your L..A. readers may be interested to know:

An obscure little movie called Star Wars will be screening at the Directors Guild on Sunday, Oct. 26. What is significant about this is that it will be the original, unmolested, Han-shoots-first version that played in theaters in 1977. I don't know why Lucas is allowing this, but it's happening, and it's open to the public. A rare chance to see the real Star Wars in a real theater. It's part of the City of the Angels Film Festival. You can buy tickets on their website.  

The Cowboy 

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