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An AFM report with news on X-FILES films, Renny Harlin's EXORCIST and God... I mean BRUCE CAMPBELL!

Hey folks, Harry here with some of the word as it was being passed about at AFM this year. Quint will be filing more complete reports soon. Last I heard he was somewhere in Vegas winning a feathered showgirl's headdress that he's been parading about in at the Blackjack Tables. Quint has developed a full proof system by which he can win 50-60 grand everytime he sits down at a table, but not wishing to be a show-off, he plays well beneath his potential to lull the casinos into a false sense of security. Yeeeeah, that's the ticket. ANYWAY - There's some interesting tidbits here... especially that bit about future X-Files movies and how that and Chris Carter's other series may see the silver screen. Well, here ya go...

Hi Harry and FatherGeek,

Not sure whether this is the kind of thing you'd find very useful, so I'll keep everything below to a minimum.

I just got back the AFM. Were you there? I was on the IFP/LA panel - indy flagflying. Always a good turn-out. The exhibitor I attended with -is still recovering. Yes. It was quite a busy couple of weeks.

Anyway, I thought I'd share some of the film news that arose from it. Mainly what's selling etc.

Saw some great films too. May I reccomend "Lost Skeleton of Cadavra", "Under the Radar" and "25 Degres en Hiver".

Not so good were "Sci-Fighter" (a B martial arts feature), "Thunderstruck" (an australian comedy) and "Crimson Rivers 2", which wasn't a shade on the original. I was also treated to a few sneaks - a rough piece from "Without a Paddle", which looks ok, and "Shrek 2", which is excellent.

News : Jennifer Tilly was representing 'The Civilization of Maxwell Bright' she's flying back and forwards from Romania where she's voicing the lead female doll in "Seed of Chucky" and also starring as herself at the same time. She said she'll 'pooped' by the time it's over. She said the film's going to be full with numerous cameos, and nods to the first couple of Childs Plays.

Bruce Campbell's got a new film in the can called "Going Back" from Inferno Films. About two friends who take a road trip. It's the buzz of the room. As is the fact that apparently Campbell's talking with New Line Cinema about resurrecting his "Evil Dead" character. Comeback indeed. Good Buzz also for Scott Speedman's new flick, it's going to be called "The 24th Day" {A Scan of the poster is attached)

Renny Harlin says he has finished "Exorcist" and that it's an all-new film, one which he'll be credited for. He said the people that were written out of the film, were written out only because they started afresh with a near new script. Those that have seen what Harlin's shot say it harks back to the original and is truly terrifying. "We already talking of doing number two. So they must like", he assured himself.

There were promo banners around which look to be plugging "Jurassic Park 4" - though no lettering on them, simple 3D-ish T-rex popping out of the front, with a smoky city landscape behind him. 2005. is all it says. Also a big 'Firefly' poster hanging by thread, looks neat.

Ok, and don't quote me on this but there's word Fox might be offloading some of their older properties to some of the distribs. One company called Arclight and another Gecchi are apparenlty in talks to take both "X Files" and "Millenium" away. The studio don't plan to follow through on their promises for films of both but have given the go ahead to another studio to do so. For a nice sum I'm sure.

What was made was all these NZ film companies like NZ Film talking up their future slate of "Rings" clones. One's apparently called "Spooked" and has Temera Marrison in it, one's a remake of 80's drag "Fright Night" that's already in preprod, and then there's things like "Mission Impossible 3", "Warriors of Virtue 3" and "Dirt Pillars Ashay".

If this is a help, let me know, I do get to hear things now and then, just not sure which website would have the most use for it. Perhaps the Bruce Campbell fans will like the news of his impending comeback?


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