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One More RIDDICK Review!!

Hi, everyone. "Moriarty" here with some Rumblings From The Lab...

And this time, the news isn’t very enthusiastic. I wanted to run the reaction of someone who sounds like they just plain didn’t like the film to try and get an idea of what their complaints are. Now that we’re hearing from both camps, I’m very curious to see just exactly what it is that David Twohy’s been up to. I like this guy and his movies, and this sounds ambitious, if nothing else...

Hey Harry and all- first review from me ever, but read your site daily.

Saw Chronicles of Riddick last night and was reading the other reviews already posted, and I couldn't believe everyone just creaming on this thing. For one, the entire time I'm watching this thing, I couldn't help but be reminded of a bunch of other movies that had similar themes or ideas and did them better. The actual plot has been rehashed already, so I won't do the same, but I will mention that the story is weak. Had a look like a cross between Lynch's Dune and Flash Gordon until it went into the space prison which then looked like Temple of Doom and that prison in S.T. Undiscovered Country where Kirk and Bones were. This whole Riddick will save the universe thing just wasn't believable at all and had many derivative scenes. At no time was I ever surprised at any plot developments- in fact it was VERY predictable.

The fight/ action scenes were nothing new using harnesses and people flying around all over the place. Some actions scenes had terrible lighting (which may be fixed by the time the film opens) with strobes that just hide the poor quality of tension. And folks, Vin Diesel is NOT a good actor. Maybe a step above Steven Segal in ability. Maybe. The only decent performance was by Judi Densch, who must be doing this for the money only. Colm Feore, who I usually admire, was completely over the top and cartoony as the Necromonger leader. The only real bright spot is seeing Thandie Newton's breasts in about 15 different dresses - it was like she was hosting an awards show, she had so many gown changes. The whole mercenary group that caught Riddick was same ole, same ole. Tooms was NOT like Han Solo - more like a poor man's Snake Pliskin. Plot holes galore and ridiculous behavior by the bad guys (who could have EASILY have killed Riddick a million times, but decided "he sure to be dead THIS time", bullshit). And then the end which I saw coming about 45 minutes beforehand. It looks like all the money for this movie was spent on costumes and CGI effects - in this case, it just can't carry a movie by itself. I read that they're planning two MORE of these?! Jesus wept.

Call me Zigbrew

Ouch. I’m still open for any more reactions from that screening, good or bad. Universal’s got a lot of money staked on this one and VAN HELSING this summer, and more than that, a lot of geek hopes. I’d love for both of them to end up being good, so these reactions fascinate me so far...

"Moriarty" out.

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