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Movie News

HELLBOY 2 is etched in stone!

Hey folks, Harry here... Apparently there is proof that there is a grand design to the universe we live in, because... HELLBOY 2 IS CONFIRMED!!!! I don't know about you, but I really wanted a sequel... specifically, I'm wanting a film, where Hellboy quits the BPRD and opens up a small bar, where he decides to dedicate himself to the art of pool hustling. When one day, monkey-brained SS Robots threaten to take away his pool cue and keep it just out of his reach unless Hellboy takes over David Hasselhoff's position on BAYWATCH NIGHTS and becomes an international pop singer, sex object and acclaimed thespian.

Thankfully, I have no say whatsoever over HELLBOY 2, and I do know that Guillermo is working to prep PAN'S LABRYNTH... his small Spanish Language indie, which I believe is going to be shot in Argentina without Madonna. Well, that's all the Del Toro news that's fit to print. Oh... there were rumors on the net that Guillermo was going to make a western horror film set in a Ghost Town. No, he isn't. And no he never was. And no, I'm not either. Well, not really. You'll see.

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