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Report about the set of Spike Lee's SON OF SAM

Alright, there isn't a ton of news here, but there's just something wonderfully subversive about this report that I love putting up on a Sunday Morning. Hee hee hee, just call me evil...

Agent Xander here, with a funny tidbit about Spike's SUMMER OF SAM. A week ago Friday, I was walking down West 3rd St. in Manhattan and, at the corner of MacDougal St. saw a flyer indicating that SUMMER OF SAM was shooting down the block and that they were going to be dressing some of the businesses on the block to match the movie's period setting. Well, what that meant was, they turned a store into a sleazy, mid-'70s gay porn theater as a set for the scene they were filming! There was an authentic-looking beat-up marquee labelling the place "Male World", and the outside of the building was plastered for posters of '70s-era gay porn films.

This was a hilarious sight, not only because MacDougal is a major drag for tourists, but because it seemed almost like an up-yours to our iron-fisted Mayor Giuliani's well-publicized crackdown on adult businesses. Spike's fake porn theater was within 500 feet of both a school and a church (an absolute no-no for porn stores under the new law), and the filming took place on the same day that the city began padlocking strip clubs that violated the new law!


Agent Xander

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