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SPOILER WARNING: Lots of Prequel Stuff

Here’s a new spy that works at one of the 1.2 billion licensees that is working on the Star Wars Prequels toy line or fast food line or clothes line or candy line or model kit line or well I don’t really need to go on listing the potential clients this spy could be working for. But suffice to say, Patch is working. Patch is not a very high up spy, as a result, Patch’s eyes and hands fondled the designs in a short one to two hour period in the last 2 months. (Yes, I’ve been sitting on this for a while to provide cover) I’ve gone through and fact checked many items below. As a result, there is nothing below that will lead you off the path. The naysayers can bellyache all they want, but this is true fact. As a result there are quite a few little spoilers here and there. Designs described, scenes mentioned, origin of a character or two. So don’t read if ya don’t want to know. Here you go....













O.K., here goes, As my heart skipped a beat I fingered through lots of designs, and I mean lots. Tons of licensee stuff, so it might of been a bit "smoothed out" and cartoony, but it was pure gold cause it was only officialy approved designs that can't be altered by any artists. Here are some tidbits. May be spoiler stuff so you might want to warn.

Darth Maul- Very nasty looking. Lots of horns and very bumpy facial texture. Looked like freakin satan, really. Any fan art, descriptions or pictures had held him somewhat akin to a human looking character with red skin texture and small horns, but that's not what I saw. This guy looked mean, and more creatur-esque. Kinda reminded me of Spikor from the old He-man shtuff. If you can remember that, try and get a picture the face was VERY similar. Fire in his eyes too! This guy is gonna be cool.

Qui Gon/Obi wan- I saw a picture on the Force. net from the back of the "spirit of the force" action figures, and it gave me a chill. It really made me realize that this was gonna be Star Wars again on the big screen, HELL yeah! If you have not already gotten the jist of their costumes, they have that very classy, regal, two- tone color look. Obi wan's got the little braid on the side. I was quite amazed at how much the drawings of Ewan gave me the feel of Alec Guinnes's Obi wan persona. I saw a picture of them with Yoda only briefly and he had on a dark brown smock with short sleeves.

C3p0- Every picture of him in the stuff I saw, even T-shirts that just had his name and face, he was real trashed. Not put together at all. Not really see through, but more in the sense of only somewhat put together. Actually, he looked like a zombified droid, parts kinda rotted away, at least half of his face this way. This would definitely click with some of what I've heard about him being found in a junk pile by either Anakin or Qui-gon.

(HARRY NOTE: He is not found in a junk pile by either Anakin or Qui-Gon. He is Anakin’s pet project. A protocal droid to help his mother with her work.)

Jar Jar- Oh, yeah, the jig is up. Let me start out by saying that I am a full Lucas supportor, I loved his first three films, I can't think of any reason I wont like the new ones. I didn't like the Ewoks though, but that's not what it's about, it's about making you feel like they could exist simply because he wanted it that way. And anyone who thinks I'm spouting sugar-fairy s#&+ can kiss it, cause you're just lookin for something to say, beeattch! That said, I have alot of faith in the Jar Jar character. If animated more realistically than Jabba looked in the Special Edition, then this is gonna be a cool character. Imagine Chewbacca, but instead of lookin like a guy in a gorilla suit, it will be a fully articulate, out of this world freak! Hell yeah! I have nothing to go on for that but my own intutition, but like I said, I have faith in the man that helped develop the most influential SPFX studio in existance. That said, the Jar Jar designs were very much what was up the other day, the Chiang sketch. If any one remembers the Amanaman headhunter character that was seen in Jabba's palace in Jedi, Jar Jar resembles him VERY much. Similar colors even. Leaf green, light brown, lots of orange. The face is almost duck billed, and reminded me of a dinosaur in that vein. His expressions are very animated. The dreds are long, but not thin like Predator, but thick, and smaller in number like a bunch of carrots. No beard in these designs. Give this guy a somewhat Jamaican accent like I've heard, and I think he is going to make a real nice piece of eye candy.

(HARRY NOTE: Jar Jar does indeed have a bit of a Jamacian accent, but mix it with Italian. For example here’s one line he says that I remember: “Dis time, wesa die’n, hey?”

Ships and Droids-Only saw the droids breifly, but they looked very cool. Lots of similar stuff to what we've seen, battle droids with the guns and the ones with the dredds. Afew other new ones, all very sleek and cool looking. Some had pictures of them interacting with r2 and 3po, so I was led to believe that maybe these were "good" droids of some sort..

The ships look awesome! I've heard that there are limited space scenes, but I would love to just see five minutes of some of this stuff.

(HARRY NOTE: There really isn’t a tremendous amount of Space activity, there is some, he’ll get more than his five minutes worth)

I saw that circular Gungan ships (I think that what they were). A ball in the center of a C is what they look like. A C on it's side.

(HARRY NOTE: The above ship design is the FEDERATION BATTLESHIP and not a vehicle that the Gungan’s ever use.)

The Naboo ships are awesome. Sleek looking with the ponty front, they look awesome in fleets. There was also some sort of federation ship that I only saw breifly. I don't remember too many details but they kinda reminded me of romulan warbirds. Yeah, definetely Romulan ships, sort of.

(HARRY NOTE: Of all the designs I’ve seen, this last one, Romulan Warbird, has never shown up. Of course most of the designs I saw were circa March and July, so technically they could have been changed. This may be the Federation Star Fighter. I don’t know)

Anakin in Pod Race-This stuff was shockingly cool. Lots of pictures with Anakin in a helmet, right off the bat reminded me of Luke in the X-wing. Subulba's Face was a pretty normal looking alien with a long upside down V- like mouth and small nostrils. He had the complexion of the "visitor" aliens and reminded me of them a little. He is wearing a flying helmet that looks like german WWII stuff, only the goggles are spaced far almost on the side of the face, to cover the eyes. A few pictures were "in action". If any of you have any of the star wars universe cards that Topps published over the last few years, you might remember the ones that had comic book artists doing interpretations of there favorite SW elements and unseen stuff. There was a painted card that had Luke and maybe Biggs piloting T-16's through beggers canyon. Not the one with the womp rats, but the one where luke is navigating through the canyon banking into the sides of it. There was a shot of the race, a perspective shot of the front of Anakin's pod that looked alot like this. Also, and this I thought was really cool, One picture had Anakin in his Pod in an encounter with a bunch of Tuskin Raiders, Bantha's and all.

(HARRY NOTE: This last bit about Anakin in his pod in an encounter with a bunch of Banthas, etc... Well, that’s not in the script. However, it’s nothing to fret over, the pod race will be one of the most incredible scenes put to film. Very very action packed, and should make that sequence between Will Smith and the ID4 alien in the canyons look a bit amateurish)

Well that's it, hope this stuff gets you guys excited, I know it got me going.

Call me Patch

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