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Over at Dark Horizons, Garth has a very very detailed description of the STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE trailer. I decided to put to rest any doubt about that trailer description, Click Here To Read It.

About a week ago I had someone send me a very loose description of a trailer that kinda sounded like this. BUT that person didn't go anywhere near the detail that needed to be given to convince me they saw the trailer. So instead I sent it off to a fella I know that has been saying he could see it whenever he wanted. Yeah right. Well I never heard back. BUT the info on Garth's page right now could only come from either, some one that read the script or saw the trailer... multiple times. And with Garth's insistence that he has seen a shot from the trailer... well, I have no doubt he's telling the truth.

There are some spoilers in what I'm about to do. So if you don't want to know... do not read below the countdown.












Ok, I'm going to go through and explain what Garth's spy was seeing.

SHOT 15: That is a Trade Federation Battleship.

SHOT 23: The line being said by Sam Jackson's character is in the script. It takes place during the first sequence in the TEMPLE OF THE JEDI. The line follows a line by Qui-Gon, the line is "A boy...his cells have the highest concentration of midi-chlorians I have seen in a life form."

SHOT 26: This line refers to Anakin's ability to help Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Padme, Jar Jar, etc. It is a set up scene at Anakin's hovel that begins setting us up for the Pod Race.

SHOTS 30-33: This is basically all together in the film. In the script the line was slightly different, but that's the difference between scripts and finished product. This is the escape from Tatooine sequence that we had pics of a loooooooooong time ago from the French Premiere magazine.

SHOTS 36-38: This is right before Qui-Gon makes the deal with Watto that'll seal the reason to have Anakin in the race. The line is said exactly the same way in the script, but continues a bit more. I won't spoil that though.

SHOT 44: That sounds like the scene when Qui Gon brings Anakin before the Jedi Council group. In the script they are descibed as sitting in a semi-circl and number around 12. You should be able to see Yoda and Mace Windu in this shot, though having no idea of the angle... well ya know.

SHOTs 48, 50 and 52: (The Yoda Dialogue) This takes place if memory serves between Yoda and Qui Gon, I'll have to ask MILO.

The inbetween shots: That's for the battle with Darth Maul.

As for the other descriptions. Well they are a bit abstract. The only thing that completely through me was the SHOT 65. I have no idea what that is. But then there are a couple of times where I think he is seeing perhaps Gunga City, but I'm unsure, since it really isn't described in the script. That opening shot I believe is of a Gungan riding on the back of a "Kaadu" Kaadu are a bit like that creature that PEACE rode in WIZARDS, a bit more duck-billed. That's something that we don't see till near the end of the film.. at least in the script I've read.

In all I'd say Lucas isn't keeping much secret. It looks like he's just going to hit us in the face and create an army of droolers. I have heard that the trailer was going to be over 2 minutes, that it showed a lot of stuff and well... this sounds like it.

Great work Garth!!!

I don't know about the rest of y'all but I'm just so damn excited that we are on the edge of seeing footage. I really really can't believe we are about to see footage. Actual real live film footage of a long time ago and a galaxy far far away. This is it man. The moment so many have been waiting for. Rumor has it that this trailer will play on THE SIEGE coming out in TWO WEEKS. God I hope that isn't another damn RUMOR that doesn't come to pass. If it does, I'll pay to see THE SIEGE 7 times in two days. I hope THE SIEGE will be playing at a local multiplex on 3 screens so I can go from theater to theater watching the trailer repeatedly. My god, can you imagine seeing the trailer as described on Dark Horizons?!?!?!? Holy shit. How friggin cool is that?

Ya see folks this is why I can't imagine being angry at another page getting a scoop. Cool news is cool no matter where it is. Damn. I'm sooooo dying to see this thing. Memories of SOLDIER are drifting away. COME ON TRAILER, I need to see you 100 times. Every film, every screen, every commercial break. PLAY IT PLAY IT PLAY IT PLAY IT!!!!!

Well guess I need to go before I get too stupid looking. Too late. Argh!!!!

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