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Well I'm just gonna say... Gosh, you people really got him stirred up. So he sent in a second report. WARNING THERE ARE LOTS OF SPOILERS HERE!!! SO YOU MAY NOT WANT TO READ BELOW THE COUNTDOWN...











Here it comes...

What's up Harry, it's Patch again. Quite a reaction that stuff I gave you got, huh? It's amazing that a few little neat things that made my day a little better could cause such a stir with people. I wish they could just enjoy some of this stuff and leave it at that. I felt a little guilty divulging all that stuff. A few months ago I was not a spoiler reader, yet having alot of urges to just say "fuck-it". I'm just really excited about this film, and anything interesting I see, even if it reveals something a little, just serves to build the lack of patience. I got a closer look at those style sheets, and if your interested, I have some clarifying points and tidbits.

Spoilers, I guess. I don't know if this is the kind of stuff you would print, but in between slaughtering ninjas in madripoor, and hitten on asian chicks, I went into work today and got to thumb through some stuff, keeping an eye on detail. As far as what I referred to the other day as looking like "Romulan ships", well I still don't know what they are, but I got a better look at them. If you can picture a thick, pinched off three dimensional oval on it's side, then this ship looks like it's made up of three of them side by side. The one in the middle is rounder and fatter and is attached to the ones on the side in such a way that the front view resembles a tweaked out Tie-fighter. RRRREAAALLY sleek looking and will look cool attacking in squadrons.

The other droids that I spoke of were actually pit crew droids. The bodies are pretty standard, but the head looks cool, a sort of mushroom cap with a big camera lense fixture on the front. They are also interacting in a very animated way on the design I saw. There are a bunch of them carrying around parts, and each other on their shoulders.

I saw a good picture of subulba. He looks very insect -like. I've heard him being described as a praying-mantis like creature. I'd say he is more like a cross between one of those and the big eyed visitor aliens I originally compared him to. His nose is high, and he has a braid hanging down each side of his head with a red and yellow bead in each one.

Darth Maul is going to be such a cool character. I mean, I cant wait to see how he looks on screen. He has alot of intricate almost design-like stuff on his face. Black-canyon-like features in a symetrical pattern going up the left and right sides of his face. Crazy horns, all the other bumpystuff I said earlier, and his outfit resembles a cross betw. Vader's and Luke's phat jedi regalia from ROTJ.

Finally, I got a real good look at C-3po. Alot of people were buggin out about his memory, alot of other B.S., but regardless of that, he looks damn cool. He is actually very wacky lookin, no gold armor, only a few peices of silver armor denoting his major features. The rest of him is made of all sorts of multi-colored wires, and that's it! I think it looks awesome, very design oriented and a nice twist.

P.S. To all the Fanboys: If this get's printed, I'M NOT FUCKING HARRY, YOU DUMB SHITS ! GET A LIFE!

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