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K.I.T.T. From The KNIGHT RIDER Movie?? Or, Bored Fans With Photoshop??

Merrick here...

Okay, folks -- take this one with a BIG grain of salt. But, we kind of have to go here....

Both TikkiMotel and butt-guru (I'm not sure I want to know exactly what a "butt guru" is, although it would be a fantastic name for either a rock group or a porn DVD) sent in this picture.

It was found AT THIS LOCATION. The person posting the image says that this represents a developmental design for K.I.T.T. in the KNIGHT RIDER movie we're starting to hear about. Notice the lack of reflectivity on the surface around K.I.T.T.'s Cylon eye? Hmmmm....

Last week, it was reported that The Hoff will actually be appearing in this film & asked Orlando Bloom to play his son....a notion on which Orlando didn't seem particularly keen.

Longtime readers of the site may remember my shameful preoccupation with this particular Hasselhoff video...

...which I feel fully emobdies the breadth of Hoff's capabilities. I hope this portends a KNIGHT RIDER theme song, maybe from The Hoff himself!? Perhaps a man-and-car power balad? Or, maybe rap style -- with William Daniels' K.I.T.T. voice scratching in the background? "Michael! My...My... My...Michael!"

UPDATED: Of course, this video may be far more appropriate!

In all seriousness, if anyone out there knows anything about the legitimacy of this image...or the status of the KNIGHT RIDER movie project in general... please E-MAIL ME! I'd love to hear from you...

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