Ain't It Cool News (

Star Wars Episode I & the Superbowl (updated 11-14@2:15pm CST USA)

Glen here…

The hell that is being a STAR WARS fan might intensify somewhat with this next bit of news. As if the trailer for STAR WARS - EPISODE I (the forthcoming STAR WARS prequel - duh!) being pre-screened in theaters Tuesday the 17th hasn’t caused enough of an uproar, try the following on for size:

Uncomfirmed reports (but from rather well-placed sources) indicate that George Lucas and company have purchased / negotiated a whopping *twelve minutes* of air time during January’s Superbowl broadcast, intending to fill said time with a shit-load of coolness from STAR WARS - EPISODE I.

12:55 pm CST USA

Glen here, again…

ROOTIN’ TOOTIN’ LONG BARREL LOU ("Long Barrel Lou" sounds vaguely pornographic, but I’m sure he was only referring to the size of his…gun barrel…) has just sent in a message indicating there *would* be some sort of Prequel material aired during the Superbowl, with a little more info to boot!

Here’s what he said:

The STAR WARS account is correct.

The ads will feature an alien *not* in the actual movie, but rather one who was not good enough to make the film.

I understand it will give some account of the movie from his "not good enough" point of view!!!

Now is that coolness or what?!!!

2:15 pm CST USA

Glen here:

LONG BARREL LOU sent in another fast message, indicating HE could not confirm or refute the assertion that *12 minutes* worth of STAR WARS ad time would run during the Superbowl, but did indicate STAR WARS related ads *would* air during said broadcast, and reiterated the nature of the ads (the alien "host" described above).

He also wanted to remind readers that these spots could be tied into Fox, Lucasfilms, Pepsi - or could be a "cross-promotion" involving multiple merchandising & marketing entities signed up to push Prequel-related goods.

If so, *I* presume this would make the undertaking more cost-effective for all involved. The potential costs suggested here are quite staggering, even for big corporations.

More to come…

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