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Mr Moto Returns with a SPOILER filled report on EPISODE 2 & 3

Hey folks, Harry here again, and this time with another Mr Moto
report.  Mr Moto was very very happy with the handling of the first report, but saw that some of you doubted him.  This was to be expected of course, since EVERY SPY gets doubted, especially whenever the words.... STAR WARS are used.   I tried to explain that this is merely part of the fun of it all.  But still Mr Moto was determined to continuing with the quid pro quo he had established.  THERE ARE MASSIVE POTENTIAL SPOILERS COMING UP, BEWARE DO NOT PROCEDE LEST YE BE SPOILED!!!!

"Harry-san, I'm going to be very kind to you today.  The same rules apply as before, but I will be  quite a bit verbose this time.  You must remind everyone that I am part of the Lucasfilm world, though you must not allow my part to be known.  The knowledge I have does not come from the scripts, and I make no pretense to having read the Episodes 2 or 3 drafts.  In fact I know of nobody that has, besides the guys at the top of the family.  To start this time Harry, you can choose one character about whom you would like to know more about for the forthcoming films.  Name him and I will begin."

Oh sh*t!  This is like friggin Sophie's Choice.  Dagdumit!  Normally right off the bat I would want to know about Boba Fett, but since in our prior electronic conversation, the wonderful Mr Moto said that he wasn't very sure about how his inclusion would be handled.  Palpatine.  Yesssss.

"Senator Palpatine/The Emperor," I responded.

"Ah, it is the side of evil that stirs your thoughts Harry.  Very well, let us begin," Moto wrote.

"Senator Palpatine will move into high gear beginning in the second chapter of the Star Wars Saga.  The man will be the very visage of power and extravagance, while being the Supreme Chanchellor by the end of the first film, there is still much for Palpatine to aspire to.  He's a power player, a wizard behind the curtains that pulls the strings, and he will of course be quite successful.  It is being collected from various sources here that he will be a man of many hats.  Allegedly with 'Spice mines' and as a 'Slave trader' (which we will have learned from the first film has been outlawed in all the 'civilized' areas of the galaxy).  However, where Palpatine WILL become the man... we all know he can become, will be with the assistance of his personal army, a very rich trade I assure you.  This army is made up of The Future Mandalorian Warriors.  Here's a taste of how it all works.  Say you are a senator of a planet that is caught up in the agony of war.  Our dear Palpatine would come to you to negotiate for a price and (like in Needful Things) a promise to help him in the Galactic Senate should any debates be found to occur there.  It really is amazing how many planets get caught up in the nastiness of war.  The end result seems to always be additional power and a neverending debt from the war torn planet to Palpatine."

"Now back on Coruscant, Palpatine could very well be the largest property holder, in addition he is highly respected, and his eye is upon the Presidency of the universe or galaxy or however you want to phrase it.  With the spoils of wars, he will throw his money about like rice upon a wedded couple.  Palpatine will be a big part in bringing an end to quite a large conflict that occurs in Episode 2.  This act will place him in the fast car aimed at the checkered flag.  He will be the man of the people, and the people represent the voice of the galaxy.  And it is this popularity and stardom that swoons Anakin to his side."

"Harry-san, I can not believe you chose Palpatine, there's a good deal of information that I could continue telling you about him, but I am growing weary of the Emperor.  But know this, Palpatine is not alone, he has been cultivating a crop of politicians, one early bloomer at this point (could be changed, but I believe it will stay) will be Tarkin, who will be a shining beacon in the Coruscant way of life, Palpatine latches on.  The character you chose Harry will reach his apex in Episode 2.  He will be one of a handful of politicians, mainly unknown characters at this point, that understand and control the machinations of the Senate.  The next step for Palpatine is to acquire a real Military Victory, something to beat his chest about.  So, he hires his own army (the future Empire) to...  I won't tell you everything Mr Knowles.  Are you full, or do you want more my friend?"

I instantly responded with, "ME STILL HUNGRY!!!"

And Mr Moto replied, "You could go with a few less meals my friend, but as you wish.  What did the information provoke in you?  What is your first question?"

Looking at the response he gave me, I was tickled by the 'unknown characters' with the Galactic Senate that also have the same or similar power to Palpatine.  I began thinking and pondering... Was there a character of power that would have been the right choice for the Senate, and who was he, and I asked Mr Moto exactly that.

"Mr Knowles, very good.  I'm proud of you.  As I had mentioned he was at the top of his game, and one of the few to control the Senate.  Another Senator, who I must protect at this time, will be nearly as popular as Palpatine.  He understands without doubts the way of thing in the Senate, and he is also a great military leader.  This senator will have a perfect military record of victories, and the exclamation point will be another of the important conflicts in the prequels.  The way of things in the Old Republic were very simplistic, to achieve virtue, one must demonstrate their competence on the field of blood, the battlefield.  This senator was like El Cid or Caesar in that regard.  His political ascension was built upon the shoulders of his victories as a field commander."

"In and around the middle of this first trilogy, Coruscant became a hive of civil unrest and shady political deals.  From the fields of battle came good news, and the cityfolks hung upon every word.  Our mysterious Senator was charismatic and quite an orator, his army was a thing of beauty, and he was an advocate of the HUMAN destiny, it was to be his immortal message.  For HUMANS were the highest form... for him.  He led his army across the galaxy against the wishes of the senate.  It will be his attempt, or so it will be alleged, that it will be a move to seize absolute power.  This will, Harry, not be allowed.  It can not, because if it is then the very fabric of the Old Republic democracy will be torn asunder.  That is why the senate will act as it does.  This senator was given the power to protect and uphold all the principles and values of the Old Republic democracy.  This senator ventures down the dark path.  And this man will have embraced the dark side to build his NEW ORDER on the ashes of the Old Republic and the mangled bones of the illustrious Jedi."

"I know much is still unclear, and I believe it should remain that way for quite some time to come.  Be careful to not over analyze this, or to put too much stock in it.  Much can change, but this is a bit of the framework.  At this advance stage many things can be brought together or be eliminated all together.  Much of this has been gathered from memos and background studies.  You would be amazed at how much background detail Lucas puts into all of this.  What eventually ends up on screen is of course in his hands."

"We are still merely at the beginning; and still there is an infinity to go."

And then Mr Moto left.  It will be interesting to see what all the dude churns up.  This was a ton, I think.  It'll be interesting to see, in three years, how much of this will become part of the story as we hear it coming from Lucasfilm, or if it will be disproven.  Will MR MOTO become a thing of legend, or will we take these rumors to the pile where Charles Bronson's jedi character lay and the pile where Ewan played OB1 and Darth Maul.  It will take time.

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