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Your Help is needed in honoring RAY HARRYHAUSEN!!! HELP IF YOU CAN!

Alright folks. Especially all you HOLLYWOOD BIGSHOTS! Get off your ass and help honor the greatest living film creator on the planet. With Kubrick gone. Kurosawa gone. For me, the greatest living Filmmaker is RAY HARRYHAUSEN. I know, that sounds like a geek's choice, but this man nearly single handedly kept alive the genre of filmmaking at an exceptional production level that helped to create the filmmakers of today. Did a film like CITIZEN KANE inspire a 5 or 6 or 15 year old George Lucas or Steven Spielberg? Probably not. Instead, back there in that primordial state it was Harryhausen and George Pal that captured them. He sure as hell captured me. With all the talent in the world, all the advances, all the money in the world, Hollywood still can not do what Harryhausen did best. Bring life to the things that do not live. If you can help THE ARGONAUT FOUNDATION pay tribute to Harryhausen do it. DO IT NOW! If you make $20 million a picture, if you received over a $100 million dollar advance on your toy line.... Then get off your keister and help honor this God amongst filmmakers.

In all my life, I have never met a man with more magic. Having shook his hand, having talked with him for hours at various conventions throughout my life, I only wish I had the monetary ability to truly build a fitting tribute to this man (A lifesize reproduction of TALOS, as first seen in JASON AND THE ARGONAUTS, housing a museum dedicated to Harryhausen! for starters!)

Write to Arnold Kunert at Help in anyway you can. Do it because of all the pleasure Harryhausen has given you in your life. Do it, because it's right. Do it now.

I'm writing because I believed you would be interested in knowing about a tribute our non-profit organization, The Argonaut Foundation, is planning for special effects wizard, Ray Harryhausen, in July in Hollywood.

We desperately need sponsors for our tribute, which includes a concert, screenings (the restored print of "7th Voyage of Sinbad" with Ray, director Nathan Juran and Richard Eyer in attendance) and an award show.

If you can help us publicize our tribute and/or point us toward potential sponsors, we would be most grateful.

By the way, in l99l I spearheaded the letter-writing campaign which led to Ray Harryhausen receiving his long-overdue Oscar.


Arnold Kunert


The Argonaut Foundation

P.S. STAR WARS ---- hahahaha, got ya kev...

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