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From the San Diego Comic Con comes this look at DINOSAUR!!!

Hey folks, Harry here. Keep your eyes open on the net for the trailer that these images came from. Turns out that up at the San Diego Comic Con this weekend, Disney unleashed a CD-ROM with a most kick ass trailer for DINOSAUR.

That's right, their big Memorial Day 2000 film that will contain some of the prettiest eye candy we have ever seen on screen.

But will the story follow suit? That's the question on everyone's minds. We know it's possible to deliver the images. To cause a lump in our throat through the pure artistry they have the power to wield. But will we care about these characters?

Now, for me. I have to have a little faith. You see... Eric Leighton was one of the animators and close collaborators of Henry Selick on NIGHTMARE BEFORE CHRISTMAS, JAMES AND THE GIANT PEACH and even SLOW BOB IN THE LOWER DIMENSIONS. Of course my faith does begin to waver a bit concerning Ralph Zondag, who directed WE'RE BACK! A DINOSAUR'S STORY.

It's got a good cast of voices, what with D.B. SWEENEY, JULIANNA MARGULIES, KIEFER SUTHERLAND, JOAN PLOWRIGHT, ALFRE WOODARD and of course the classic cool man himself... JONATHAN HARRIS!!!!

The first test screenings came away with some positive word, but some concern about character development and a feeling like they had just seen the most beautiful film they'd ever seen... but with no real center.

However, this was quite a ways back, and if there is one thing I have learned about covering animation... It is that things change... and they change quickly. The entire opening of TARZAN was changed, some of the relationships between characters were honed down. Heck, the professor's character never dressed up in the gorilla outfit. (A scene that caused the hairs on the back of my neck to stand taut and shiver it was sooo bad.)

So, is this happening with what some are labeling the most expensive film ever made? Who knows. I can tell you that when you see this trailer you are going to come unglued.

The work exhibited in this piece is extraordinary. And I have to say that come Memorial Day, you'll be finding many a geek strapped to their seat watching DINOSAUR, and drooling a lot. I just hope it goes that extra mile... nails the story... and becomes more than just a footnote of effects histroy. I think this movie could truly be special... if they care for it just right.

I don't know what you think of with these images... But to me... I can't help but wonder what Tippett and Verhoeven were going to do.

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