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Additional looks at SLEEPY HOLLOW by Darth Tso's Chicken, Steve Austin, Agent Orange and Xanthor

Well, now I have had 18 reviews of SLEEPY HOLLOW sent in, of varying lengths... But these four pretty much sum up the overall feeling from this screening. Out of the 18, I only got one that was truly disappointed, and that review is the last one here on the page... and even that one admits that all of the people he/she was with really enjoyed the film completely. So... It looks like we've got a kickass fun Tim Burton film on the way and folks... I believe it is time to get excited. If you haven't already been that way this whole time....

Sleepy Hollow Review

By Darth Tso’s Chicken

After a long and tiresome journey I return from the depths of the polluted wasteland know as Jersey. Even one of the Sith such as myself would caution going into such deadly territory. But for a chance to see the eagerly anticipated ‘Sleepy Hollow’ from the unique and talented director Tim Burton, I would have to put aside my fears.

As soon as the movie started I felt the all too familiar Tim Burton aura. From the beautiful late 1700 setting to the classic Dan Elfman music (though this was a temp track), this movie radiated with beauty.

But it didn’t stop there. The cast starred Johnny Depp as Ichabod Crane, Christina Ricci (Addams Family), Christopher Walken as the Headless Horseman, and a host of others including Casper Van Dean (Starship Troopers) and “Palpatine” or rather the actor who played him in Episode 1. Not only did everyone look good in his or her 1700 outfits, they played their parts well too. Everyone was convincing in his or her performance.

But the true bread and butter of the movie came from the Headless Horseman. Christopher Walken gave a face to the creature, but it was Ray Park (Episode 1) who brought him to life. Literally. From the Horseman’s first appearance to his last he lit up the screen with a barrage of grace and mayhem, with numerous beheadings throughout. With each unsheathing of his sword I found myself captivated by the unique swordplay and body movement that Park brings to the screen.

Without giving away anything I’ll just say that the Headless one’s appearance was often and lengthy and always left someone feeling a bit loose in the neck. This movie is definitely R-rated material.

The story although serious for the most part still retained that Burton sense of humor. And although I had a little trouble keeping up with 1700 names I was never lost as to what was going on.

All in all I thoroughly enjoyed this movie will no doubt be in line to see it again with all my Sith friends.

Yours truly,

Darth Tso’s Chicken

Below is our Bionic Reviewer from the New Jersey area... Steve Austin. He might write a fuller review later, but as for now, he enthuses pretty dynamically about the film. And his description of one death (to an anonymous character) in the film.... well it may get ya a bit up for the film.

Hey Harry been a reader since the begining, and I finally have something to contribute...

By shear luck I scored passes to the first test screening of Sleepy Hollow in NJ. Before the show a rep got up in front and explained to us, the effects weren't completely finished and there was a temporary score. Then the show started. Let me say this movie was awesome! From the opening sequence when the headless horseman rears his ugly head to the ending was excellent. Johnny Depp was well cast for the part. Very funny as well. Christina Ricci was also good, as well has the rest of the cast. Christopher Walken was also good in the few parts where we actually get to see his head.(although he didnt speak) The effects were excellent although you can tell some of them weren't completed. The costumeing, sets and locations were also nicely done. The movie also had its fair share of jump points.

To wet your lips alittle more, the scene where "Person A" and "Person B" both battle the Headless Horseman after he had slaughtered the "People that he Slaughters" will be well worth the price of admission. I mean its like the lightsaber duel in the Phantom Meanace all over again except with pitchforks and swords. Maul really shows off what he can do and how dangerous the horseman really is. Its fucking great! "Person A's" death(being sliced down the middle was pretty graphic-I hope it makes it in the final print) IThere was some scattered applause after the scene. I also really hope they show the horseman grab the 'Wee Person'- and then the next scene put a bloodied object in the bag. The movie fucking ROCKED!

Steve Austin

Here's Agent Orange with a more conservative review... He annoints the film as being 'cool', but at the same time is not so overwhelmed as to enthuse that the film 'F$@%*NG ROCK'... But he does like it quite a bit.

Hello Harry, Agent Orange here. Don't know if you still care after what's-his-name-o sent you his review, but anyhoo, here's another Sleepy Hollow review. It's a wee less enthusiatic. Ahem.

So, I saw Sleepy Hollow yesterday! First, hello film testing people. I know I'm not supposed to do this, but I liked the movie and it's good for it. Damn my being a nice guy! I feel guilty just sending this review in! Hi Tim. Hope you don't mind. So, I saw Sleepy Hollow yesterday in that dump called New Jersey. Dump? My home this is! So, yeah, the movie... it was cool. It didn't F$@%*NG ROCK, but it was cool.

You all know what it's about, so I won't go there. A lot was changed from the novel though. Then again, I never read the novel. So I'll say this... a lot was changed from that Disney cartoon though!

The acting... Johnny Depp is great! Very funny and dry and just... odd, in that great Johnny Depp way. Christina Ricci was surprisingly unaffective. She was just... there. As I write this I keep forgetting she was even in the movie. She's not *bad*, she's just... bland? Oh well. Miranda Richardson sucked. Why is she always so over the top? It was like her role in Merlin all over again. Oh well. Casper Van Dien was his usual dopey self, but thankfully had only a small part. Why does this guy keep getting chances? He gets the lead in Starship Troopers and uses that to catapult himself to... Tarzan and the Lost City!?! Then it's on to a cheap made for cable shark attack movie, followed by more crap? The guy should've already faded into the abyss almost has-beens, but amazingly Tim Burton comes in and puts him in a good movie, giving him a second undeserved try at fame, and the guy will just once again use this high-profile role to lead himself to more crap. Not that I care. But those complaits are only small. The good acting comes from of course Depp, cool cameos by Martin Landau and Lisa Marie, small roles from Jeffrey Jones and Ian McDirmiad, the guy who plays Ricci's father whose name I don't know, and of course, Mr. Christopher Walken. Chris was coool. But we all know that. Very ferocious looking. Then again, you could argue that all he does is snarl a lot... which is true, but still, he snarls cooly.

The sets and settings... what's-his-name-o seemed to like them, but while a lot was good (NY), a lot was too soundstagey (most woodsy areas). Kinda like Batman Returns, I guess. Could've looked better.

The music... temp track. That's what the guy said anyway. It wasn't bad, but just generic horror/action music. Once Elfman's score is in place it should sound much better.

The action... oh boy, the action! When the horseman is onscreen, the movie does kick major arse. Fantastically choreographed and shot and edited, very tense and cool. Great fights, nice work from Ray Park. The FX, despite the guy saying they were "nowhere near done," were pretty freaking terrific. Gory decapitations all over the place, very seldom looking slightly rough around the edges. Everything looked pretty much done to me.

The plot... it does get a little silly here and there, but the movie is very comical (in a good way!), so it's ok. But it works well. If you're getting confused during the movie and you're spotting plot holes all over the place, don't worry, they'll all be tied up later. The runtime was about 110 minutes I think... that's what I overheard one of the suits saying, but I didn't check my watch so I'm not sure. It seemed longer than 110. It's a bit slow at parts, but I can't think of anything that could be easily cut and not disturb the rest of the story. It got some applause after a few of the fight scenes, lots of laughs in the funny parts, and a lot of a applause after it ended.

And the coolest thing of all came at the end of the night when I met... guess who!? Tim Burton himself! He was very cool, just chatting with people and laughing and signing autographs. Me, dork that I am, couldn't think of anything better to say than "Hey man, great job!" to which he responded "thanks! Thanks for coming!" and I said "thank you for having us. My pleasure" or something lame like that. Oh well. Meeting Tim actually elevated the movie to a B+ :)

Not to insult the intelligence of your readers, all those drooling, cursing, knuckle-dragging, mouth-breathing morons dwelling in talk-back, but I guess most of them will think it F&$%#NG ROCKED!!! My grade: B+. Pretty good, but not great. Maybe with Elfman's score it could go a little higher. Then again, what the hell do I know?

Well, back to killing Charlie.

Agent Orange.

Hmmmm... Well Xanthor here seemed to just not have that much fun with the film, though he admits that everyone he was with loved it. He didn't spot Martin Landau or 'Palpatine', and the painted back drops bothered him. Of course this is a danger for a modern filmmaker when dealing with an audience that wants nothing less then sheer digital perfection in lieu of exquisite artistry. Personally... I've never seen digital work that surpassed say the magic of the painted backgrounds of THE WIZARD OF OZ... but that's just me I guess. Or the hand-painted matte paintings in THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK... Sigh... Here's Xanthor

Hi Harry,

I saw Sleepy Hollow at the screening in Wayne, New Jersey last night also.

After reading the review on your site, I'm sorry I have to bring in the reality. This movie was a good movie. Everyone I went with loved it, except me. I was psyched for Sleepy Hollow. It was the last movie I was really psyched for this year besides American Beauty. And I'm sory to say I was dissapointed. I don't know who it was that reviewed it, but I can't remember seeing Martin Landau or Palpatine anywhere in the movie. But aside from that, The movie needs to be cut, it is too long. The horseman scenes? great, but even so they get played out. The cast was for the most part good, Christina Ricci could have used some work, and for christs sake I sure as hell wish they did not do what they did with Walken, damn freak did not stop growling every scene he was there. I think some of the sets could have used some work, especially when you could pick out the matte paintings. Some of the decapation shots look like they should have been in a spoof movie, but hopefully they'll reshoot that, or CG it. The CG was bad at parts, but I don't really want to say that because it was a work print, but... for anyone who did see... was it necessary to make snakes holding the ladies eye balls in her head? That was just utterly ubserd. I hope they touch this movie up for realease because I was sorely dissapointed. call me Xanthor

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