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Burnham waxes fondly about TOY STORY 2

Hey folks, Harry here with one of my very toppest most highest most gotta see it right this very instant flicks on the horizon. DAMN, I can't wait to see TOY STORY 2. Having read the script about a billion years ago... watching the trailers... ARGH... Watching as the toys come in at Toy Stores everywhere. I'm dying this is torture. Well... Here's one dude that saw it...

Welp, I just got back from Toy Story 2 at the GCC Avco in Westwood. I loved Toy Story and was very excited about this. I'll just say that it definitely lived up to all my expecations, and surpassed them in the areas of humor and visual effects. The crowd absolutely loved it! They were cheering and cracking up pretty much the whole time. As they left, I heard them saying they liked it more than the first one. This is going to get great reviews and make a pile-a-dallahs. I think it will be mixed as to whether this was better or not quite as good as the original Toy Story, but it is just about as fun and entertaining as a movie can get. The next paragraph will contain the story and some spoilers. I recommend not reading it.

WARNING! Spoilers ahead! Okay. Here we go. The basic is Buzz Lightyear and some other toys from Andy's room going on a rescue mission to save Woody, who has been stolen (kidnapped) by an avid toy collector (hilariously voiced by Wayne Knight). It turned out that Woody is a rare and highly valuable toy that Japanese collectors want to put in a museum. Woody must make the choice whether to go along to Japan and be admired by children forever, or go back home to Andy and eventually be broken or thrown away. The best and funniest parts of the movie were its references to other movies. There are several hilarious Star Wars homages, a 2001 reference, Jurassic Park, Forrest Gump, and of course, the previous Toy Story. There are many inspired sequences. One is definitely the opening (a combo of Star Wars and 2001), another takes place in a toy store, and the grand finale on an airplane. It is truly a thrill ride from beginning to end. Some might miss the dynamics between Woody and Buzz that made Toy Story so endearing, but I believe this film made up for it with humor and some clever twists involving a new stock of Buzz Lightyears and some other toys from the Woody Cowboy collection who convince Woody that being in a museum would be best for all of them.

In conclusion, I can usually judge a movie based on whether I want to see it again or forget about it. Besides American Beauty, there really hasn't been any movie that I have really needed to see again, but I will definitely see this again. And I will tell everyone else to go see it. You will all love this movie. I guarantee it.

Call me...Burnham

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