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Tick Tick Tick...UPDATED

El Cosmico here...oh, what can be happening over at the pilot production for the live-action version of our favorite blue antenna-head, THE TICK?

Hard to say, but here's a bit of something that may shed some light into the nether-regions. I'll be honest, it disturbs me that two, possibly three characters have been altered from their true forms. It SEEMS that Die Fledermaus has been renamed...Batmanuel? AND American Maid APPEARS to have been renamed...Captain Liberty? Just please somebody tell me that Christopher Lloyd's character of "Mr. Fishladder" isn't a reworking of Sewer Urchin...OH PLEASE!

I'll reserve final judgment until I see this stuff, but uhh...that just sounds both dumb and offensive to fans of the comic and animated series, who, of course, are going to be needed to form the viewer base. I...think...I...feel...a...headache...coming...on.

What IS it with people in that town? Well, we've still got Warburton to save the show. Anyway, click the thumbnail below to get a fun page from the call sheet for the series, with bunches of scheduling and set information, including the strange character names. What a world. I can't even bring myself to yell "spoon". SAVE US, PUDDY!

-El Cosmico

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UPDATE! A well-placed fine fellow we'll call Dinosaur Neil reports the following, which I must say, allays many of my fears. If it's accurate, it's certainly understandable. Here you go:

"Hey dude,

Ben Edlund was forced to change the names and likenesses (a bit) for purely legal reasons. Fox Family, Fox Kids would not give up the rights to the TV show characters-even though the pilot is being produced for FBC-, so Ben had to use either new names or names from the comic book. Since both Maid and Die were both in the TV show, they had to be changed. Fishladder is Arthur's boss who fires him by page 6 of the new draft (very different version then the one you reviewed a few weeks back).

FYI-We just received the first set of Dailies today from the Chinese Restaraunt set and it looks awesome. Patrick's face is completely showing (including his eyes), but otherwise it looks like he's wearing a bright blue Batman-esq plastic muscle suit (including remote controlled moving antenneas). Arthur's white moth suit has working wings that pop out when he presses a button on his chest. Captain Liberty (formerly American Maid, then American Women) has a large cut ot of a star on her chest, allowing ample cleavage and Batmanuel is the suave, Bruce Wayne parody character.

Favorite line from today's footage, (as the Tick munches on a full fortune cookie, pulling the paper from his mouth) "I have received a secret message...from my teeth!"

What I'm trying to say, as a huge fan of the comic and lover of the cartoon, is that this current script is very funny and will look great on Fox next year (if they pick it up-Fox announces Thursday, May 18th).

Regards, Dinosaur Neil"

So, there you go...maybe things will be alright after all. Only time will tell...

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