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Kurosawa's RAN Back In Theaters!! Lines Already Starting!!

Hey, everyone. "Moriarty" here. Maybe I exaggerated about how excited people are going to be to see Akira Kurosawa's masterful epic RAN on the big screen, but I know for a fact where I'll be on August 18th. Check this out. If you follow the link, there's a groovy Flash animation intro to the RAN site.

Hey Harry, it's Palpatine. Haven't seen anything about this on site, so I thought I'd chime in that a Restored version of Akira Kurosawa's Ran is being released IN THEATERS starting next month, to celebrate the 15th anniversary.

You can check it out at, where they have a list of dates. At the end it promises a semi wide release, probly similar to what Blood Simple and The Exorcist got.

Anyone who has seen this film, knows that the visuals were made to be played on a theatrical screen, so go see this if you have the chance!

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