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A Gal Named Sarah and AtomoPrime see JASON X and comment

Hey folks, Harry here and ya know what... I have a real interesting first review here for ya. Sarah and her GirlFriend went to a test screening last night of JASON X. Now, to clarify... Sarah doesn't care for Jason, Freddy or Michael Myers movies, and over the course of her review... states she usually is insulted by the lame female characters they contain. She went in expecting to get up and leave at some point and instead had.... A BLAST? At the same time, even that lug, Moriarty liked it... but the concept of a JASON movie that appeals to feminist and anti-Jason types... well, it is kinda exciting. Then, ATOMOPRIME chimes in as your typical Alpha-Male... and he digs it. Hmmmm.... Sounds like this could be ... a good FRIDAY THE 13th film? Somebody check Quint's drawers.... a load has been delivered.

Hi Harry,

I Flew to LA to visit some friends and got the chance to go to a Hollywood screening last night. We were told it was for a horror movie but they didn't tell us what movie.

When my girlfriend and I showed up early we waited around for a long time. Where I'm from movies start on time. Maybe screenings are different. Anyway, while waiting for the movie to start we saw this young girl, maybe 14, wearing a "Jason X" T-shirt. We were cracking up at the idea that we might actually be sitting in a crappy Friday the 13th screening. The funny thing is, we didn't even know that "Jason X" really was a movie! We thought it was some rock group or something. Neither I nor my girlfriend care much for Jason, Freddy or that other guy in the white mask. I did like Scream though.

Well, it WAS Jason X! That's Friday the 13th part ten. Guess they decided to cut the name short. LOL The movie started and we thought about trying to sneak out, but every time we started to leave something in the movie would grab our attention. The first thing to grab us was the special effects. They were amazing.

And you know what? We stayed for the whole movie and we had a blast. LOL, there's no way I can admit this to my friends when I get back home! They'll disown me!

Anyway, most of the movie takes place in the future, and the special effects were really good. It was sort of like watching a DVD. It was really clear and the colors were amazing. I heard some guy saying they'd made the film with some new technology and maybe that's important, but I'm not really sure what he was talking about. Sorry, I guess I should have asked but I didn't know I was going to write you this.

There was alot of blood and gore and stuff, which I don't really like, but the audience seemed to love it. I mean, there's some really gross stuff in this movie!

But, it was fast paced and funny and there was really a story going on. I was surprised at how many twists and turns it had. Several times I found myself on the edge of my seat. I mean, I thought all of those franchise movies were the same things over and over. This one was alot of fun.

One of the big reasons I liked this movie was the strong female characters. Most movies just ignore the girls or have them in there to fill some gap. These girls rocked! The guys were ok too, and one of them was really cute, but the girls rule this movie! Here's a quote from the lead girl when a bunch of them are hiding from Jason: "You make another sound and I'll snap your neck myself." Maybe I'm twisted, but I thought that was cool.

Finally, just when you think the movie's over, it's just picking up speed. My girlfriend says I shouldn't tell you what happens so all I'll say is Jason is clearly hard to kill. He's ugly too. You take the mask off of Skeet Ulrich and he's fine! Well, You take the mask off of Jason and he's just plain UGH!

This movie isn't as scary as Scream or the Exorcist, but I didn't think they meant for it to be. Don't get me wrong, there are certainly some scares and way too many gross-outs but there's alot more action, which I like more anyway. It will crack you up too. I don't know, it's just a fun movie and I guess I wasn't expecting that.

I liked all of the actors but I didn't recognize any of them. The lead girl is tough and the guy who brings her back to life is a sleeze. Sanaron and the Robot were my favorites. The Marines on the ship were pretty cool too though. Oh, and there's some director in the movie but I forget his name. He was real good too. Of course, we're not talking the cast of "Pay It Forward" here, but for this kind of movie I thought they were all pretty good and it looked like they were having fun making the movie. I don't know. I think that's important.

After it was over we had to fill out this sheet with questions like, "Would you recommend this to a friend?" and "How would you rate this movie? Excellent, Very Good, etc." I put Very Good.

I guess if I had a negative comment it would be music. It sounded sort of 70ish. I think it would be a better movie if they had some bands playing on the soundtrack. Incubus or Nine Inch Nails would be great in this movie.

My girlfriend was picked to stay afterwards to talk to the film makers. She said most of the group really liked the movie. No one in the group said it was excellent but she said they were all very excited about different parts of it and like us, most of them had rated it "Very Good". She did say there was one couple sitting in the back who hated it. Said the guy kept taking about how bad the character development was and stuff like that. LOL! Good grief. I liked the characters. I told her she should have slapped him and told him this wasn't Citizen Kane. She said he was bitter because no one would buy his screenplay. I say, LA people are just weird. :)

Well, without giving away any of the story, I guess that sums it up. It's a fun movie. Drag your date to see it. She may fight at first, but she'll like it in the end. I did.

Hope this comes in handy. I doubt I'll ever have anything else to send you. We don't get many film crews in Tennessee and certainly no screenings.


Hey folks, Harry here with ATOMOPRIME... who isn't a girl and he likes JASON X too. What's up with this? A JASON movie for a girl and a boy? Crazy man, crazy...

Hey Harry!

AtomoPrime here! I‚m a long time reader and I finally have something more to contribute to AICN then whining in the Talk Backsthough there is a certain sick joy to it

I got the chance to see JASON X at a screening at the Media Center AMC 6 in Burbank, California and I LIKED IT!

I almost feel ashamed to say that, but it be true! The audience was told that they were the first to see this blood fest and we were given the usual spill about effects being unfinished, scenes that will be edited out, yada yada yada Then the theater then went dark and the film hit the screen. Now it wasn‚t magic that happened next, but it was the tightest and most complete screening that I have ever seen. There were full opening credits and all effects seemed finished. Only the end credits seemed to be missing. But on to the meat

The flick starts in 2010 with Jason already imprisoned in the Crystal Lake Research Facility. He was being held here after every attempt at executing this mass murderer (is Crystal Lake in Texas?) had failed. The current course of action for the facility is to cryogenically freeze Jason until they can discover a way to eliminate him permanently. The military has other plans. They believe that Jason shouldn‚t be put on ice, but should be studied due to his amazing regenerative abilities. Jason believes that he should kill everyone. I think you can fill in the blanks about what happens next. Unfortunately for Jason, he has to go that extra mile and try to kill the cute female scientist who planned to freeze him. She succeeds in luring Jason into the cryo-chamber, but ends up locked in with ol‚ Jason and finds herself frozen along with him.

Now fast forward 400 years (yeah, ya heard me right!) when the chamber is discovered by a group of archeology students on a field trip to our now dead Earth (it‚s never really explained what happened to our big blue marble, but that isn‚t the point). They discover our heroine and her machete wielding nemesis and decide to bring the pair of Popsicles back with them.

Note to all future archeologists: If you find a big frozen guy wearing a hockey mask and holding a machete- PUT HIM BACK AND BURN YOUR MAPS!

Upon the return to their ship, the Grendel, these plucky students successfully revive the 20th century scientist with the help of their professor. The professor soon contacts a mysterious beneficiary and tells him that he has revived a woman that has been frozen for over 400 years. The professor‚s contact is not impressed, but is thrilled to learn that they have obtained the remains of the legendary Jason Voorhees „People would pay to see him.‰

Elsewhere, a cute blonde female student and a guy and gal that can‚t keep their hands off each other have taken Jason to another medical bay to be studied. Soon the couple leaves to engage each other in their quarters. During their lovemaking we watch Jason start to twitch. This goes unnoticed by the blonde student. Then, right when the young couple reach the point of climax, Jason suddenly sits straight up and feels his urge to kill rising.

Note to all future archeologists: If you find a big frozen guy wearing a hockey mask and holding a machete and bring him home- DO NOT HAVE PREMARITAL SEX!

Jason dispatches the blonde gal, chooses a wicked looking Œfuture machete‚ and is off on his merry way. The blondes corpse is soon discovered and the ROTC-like military unit on board the ship is soon dispatched to hunt down Jason. The greedy professor asks the units leader (the characters name is Brodski I believe) to bring Jason back alive. Brodski agrees, but tells his squad (and I paraphrase) „Blow him apart and we‚ll paste his legs back on and tell the professor that we tried.‰

What I described above was about the first fifteen minutes or so. This flick moves at a good pace and is high on cheese and body count, but low on actual scare. I will not describe too much more, save to say that highlights include: The much rumored new and improve Jason (when you see him, you will either die laughing or cheer yourself hoarse), a bad-ass fight between Jason and a female cyborg armed to the teeth, a flash back to Crystal Lake circa 1980 with sleeping bag fun, and watching Jason take on armed military types.

There is plenty of fun to be had with JASON X. Jason is back in a movie that is a breath of fresh air to a franchise that was limping after part 3D. I personally was NOT looking forward to this movie. It sounded just plain dumb and still will to most of you out there. I enjoyed the movie for what it was: Cheese. Bloody cheese, but fun bloody cheese.

So the final thought is: Go and have fun. Just don‚t think too much and you‚ll be fine

AtomoPrime has spoken!

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