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Julia Roberts wants to BEWITCHED'

Well... ya know... if this is true..... If Julia Roberts does get attached to BEWITCHED.... that could be pretty cool. Now the question for me is, who would you have be her Darren? I'm thinking... Steve Buscemi... I think Julia Roberts and Steve Buscemi would be a great couple. What da ya think?

Hi Harry,

I've been a regular visitor to your site for about three years now. I want to say first that I love this site. It's the first of "my favorite Places" listed on AOL.. Sometimes I respond to talk back under the code name Snidely Whiplash, who was Dudley Do-Right's nemesis. Anyway, I heard a syndicated Entertainment News reporter say, over the radio, that Miss Julia Roberts is trying to purchase the rights to the beloved classic TV series "Bewitched".

It seems she wants to play Samantha. I think she would be a suitable Samantha but to me, someone besides Elizabeth Montgomery playing Samantha is like someone besides Lennord Nimoy playing Spock. I know Miss Montgomery is gone from this world, so I'll have to settle for Julia. But I would just like to add that I think you should check up on this. As a boy (heck even now) I worshiped Miss Montgomery from afar. She was so easy going and kind-hearted as Samantha. Barbara Eden may have worn a skimpier coustum and called Larry Hagman master, but she always got old Tony Nelsen in trouble with her powers.

Samantha used her powers to get Derwood, I mean Darrin, out of trouble. Samantha was a model of beauty and brains combined. I loved her and I bet I'm not alone. In fact I was working out at a gym when the news announced her death from cancer. A burly wieght lifter standing nearby shouted "NO!", "NO, NO, NO!" The guys seemed a lot more upset then the women (jealousy).

The reporter also said that Julia wants Doris Day to play Endora. Doris Day? Of course it could all be a rumor, which just may be the best senario. But I'd like to see Julia do Elizabeth proud.

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