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Will the second coolest film of 2001 be called AVALON'

At the Tokyo Film Festival this week a film debuted that... I would flat out sacrifice Quint to see. It was called, AVALON. And until this week I had heard nothing about it. Till I read, ASIA AICN.... and the following review tidbit from Pigmon, who attended a screening at the Tokyo Film Festival... Here's what he said:

Avalon (2000), directed by Mamoru Oshii

This was the hardest film to get tickets for during the film festival. Avalon is a complete winner. The live-action film was directed by Mamoru Oshii, who brought us "Akira" and "Ghost in the Shell". This is one of the most visually stunning films ever made. The live-action footage was combined with traditional handdrawn animation and computer generated imaging. The story focuses on a female fighter/soldier named Ash who must defeat an evil villain (Bishop) by entering and completing a virtual reality game named Avalon. The story is hard to understand, but the film is absolutely mesmerizing. Mr. Oshii was entirely successful in drawing the audience into his virtual reality world. In fact, James Cameron calls Avalon "the most artistic, beautiful and stylish [film] in Science Fiction history". Mr. Oshii compares this film to be on the same level as his earlier masterpiece "Ghost in the Shell".

Alright, this comes from Mamoru Oshii, who brought us GHOST IN THE SHELL, which... as you are all aware.... RULES THE PLANET EARTH WITH A MIGHTY FIST!!! Well, Mamoru Oshii, the director of that, has made a film that employs every trick in the book and from this trailer.... DEAR LORD.... STUNNING. I have no idea how to get in touch with the people in charge of this film, but I'm going to work on it. Right now I have about a thousand questions for them... And I really feel this movie could be huge here. And with Cameron calling this, "the most artistic, beautiful and stylish 'film' in Science Fiction History," well.... that means he is certainly putting it above any and all of his work.... and if he's saying that... then every film geek worth his salt needs to see this thing everyday and twice on Sunday. I'm on the case my friends.... oh... and here is where you can download the trailer....

Smallest Mpg version

Middle-Sized Mpg Version

The Pimp Ass Deluxe Mpg Version To Save Forever!!!

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