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FREDDY VS JASON update from... Krueger himself

Hey folks, Harry here and from a distant Islander... from far off Georgia, comes word via coconut that Freddy himself was shouting about his on-screen adventures with JASON and where exactly all of that stuff is at the moment. So strap in and listen up folks... Though it has been in development hell for many a moon... perhaps the positive word of mouth about JASON X and it's potential will light a fire under this project so we can see this long awaited film....

Hey Harry,

At a little after 7am today in Atlanta I heard Robert Englund (Freddy Kruger) on the radio (96 Rock's the Regular Guys) talked about the forth coming Freddy vs. Jason movie. He said production was put off until the release of Jason X. I believe Jason X is coming out Friday April 13, 2001. But hears the best part. He says that when Jason vs. Freddy is done it will have two endings. One where Freddy wins and one where Jason wins. When it gets released half will have a Freddy friendly ending and the other half Jason friendly. And they will not advertise which theater has which ending.

So people seeing it will not know who wins until the end.

Geek On


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