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Marty McFly takes an early look at ANTI-TRUST and loathes it

Harry here with Marty McFly warning us to stay way clear of an impending bomb... However, I really dig the tv spots and trailers I've seen, so I'm hoping to survive with minor shrapnel damage to unnecessary extremities. Now here... take a look at what Delorean boy has to say....

Hey Harry! It's been a while. I haven't had anything to write about recently but I noticed there has been nothing about this movie on the site. I got a chance to see ANTI TRUST last week.

I'm sure most of you were already wary of this movie due to the fact MGM moved it from the fall right to a deadly mid January slot. In the 2001 preview, Harry calls this "HACKERS meets The PELICAN BRIEF." A more accurate comparison would be THE PIRATES OF SILICON VALLEY meets THE SKULLS."

Anti Trust is the worst kind of thriller. The lame, predictable, PG-13 kind, completely devoid of any suspense or tension. It also has one of the least frightening villans of recent screen memory.

Ryan Phillipe plays the prettiest computer programmer in the world.

The film shows us he is a geek by putting him in T shirts with Anime on them and by having him actually say "We are such geeks" after he and his hacker buddies break some sort of code. Right.

Tim Robbins plays a billionaire computer mogul, obviously modeled on Bill Gates, who recruits Ryan. His company needs a brilliant young programmer to make some deadline. Ryan starts to find out his boss has been violating anti trust laws by spying on young programmers and then for some reason, after stealing their information, he has them killed.

The rest of the movie is your standard paranoid thriller scenes. Can Ryan download the information on disc in time before someone comes into the room? Will Ryan end up trusting the wrong people? What do you think?

Phillipe is a decent actor but he looks bored and he gives an unexciting performance. Robbins is obviously picking up a paycheck. His character has a quirky trait of eating potato chips. He says lines like "The software business is binary. You're either a one or a zero."

That's as evil as he gets. Just look at how chilling he was in Arlington Road and then watch his lazy performance here. Rachel Leigh Cook has a completely pointless role as an attractive co-worker and Claire Forlani plays Phillipe's girlfriend.

You know exactly what you're getting if you actually go to see this. Any reasonably intelligent person will see every plot twist coming. There isn't even one decent action scene to keep you interested. Avoid this movie at all costs.

I'll see ya in the future!

Marty McFly

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