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MATRIX 2 & 3 cursed' I hope not.

Hey folks, Harry here and man... the problems seem to be plaguing the MATRIX off shoots... Keanu breaking an ankle would be BAAAAD news... I mean at the moment, we've like ILMWannaB says, all those problems have come to pass... then there was the walkout by Jet Li over cash... then there was the rumor about not having enough 60 watt bulbs... but that one... luckily was false. Folks, these movies will get made, but the real question now is... will they be made or can they be made prior to the strike with Moss having a light injury and Keanu having an actual break? And the real question is, will this mean having to rush scenes when Keanu is healthy... and isn't it better to have your time on this baby... and I swear to God if Woo-Ping isn't involved I'll scream like that girl did that night when... nothing happened whatsoever, but like I said... the films will be made, but can they or should they make the 2002 slot? We'll see...

Hi Harry,

I noticed that (matrix news site) had a lot of reports on production problems surrounding the Matrix sequels. Woo-Ping threatening to walk out because of money problems, Keanu broke his leg a couple of days ago, and Carrie-Anne Moss severly hurt her ankle in training, and then there's the whole strike-thing which could severely hurt the production (although they claim they can work around it) They'll probably move up the release-date by a few months (again!) if this whole situation doesn't come to an end.

The ILMWannaB

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