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Our first look at the current DAREDEVIL script likely to hit a screen near you!!!

Hey folks, Harry here... Seems like Mark Steven Johnson nailed DAREDEVIL according to this latest report! He has apparently followed the Frank Miller Bullseye/Elektra/Kingpin storyline... Which isn't too many characters in my opinion... it is the equivalent of a FANTASTIC FOUR movie telling the GALACTUS/SILVER SURFER/WATCHER storyline... Or a THOR film going into the whole LOKI/ABSORBING MAN/UNIVERSE storyline... This is THE STORYLINE, by which the characters are most loved for. The moment of grand scale emotion, heartbreak and storytelling at an epic scale. Here's our first look at the new DAREDEVIL script... and it is nice to report... ALL IS WELL!


Hey, never written before but I just got my sticky little paws on the script for Daredevil by Mark Steven Johnson and had to drop you a line.

Now first off, I was never the biggest Daredevil fan. Always kind of thought of him as a Spider-man knock-off. Until I read Frank Miller's various runs on the book, I just couldn't be bothered. Which is why I am absolutely raving about this script.

We start with a flashback to the ubiquitous Origin Story, directly cribbed from Miller's Man Without Fear mini-series. Cut to a courtroom where Matt Murdock is defending yet another honest man who can't afford to pay his legal bills. It seems property along the waterfront is being bought up and those who won't sell soon find themselves the victim of tragedy.

As DD investigates and gets closer to the truth, the Kingpin steps in and hires the world's deadliest assassin, Bullseye, for two jobs. Kill Daredevil, and take out the last holdout on the waterfront, Niko Natchios. You know DD won't take that lying down, and in the process of saving Natchios, he falls in love with his daughter, the beautiful and deadly ninja, Elektra.


Falsely believing Matt to be responsible for the murder of her father, Elektra guns for him, only to sacrifice herself at the hands of Bullseye to save him in a scene directly from the famous Elektra storyline. (As I was reading it, I couldn't stop thinking about the memorable cover art from the issue Elektra got it in.) DD takes Bullseye out (leaving him alive for the sequel, of course) and hunts down the Kingpin. There's a final battle that's actually a little more reminiscent of Spidey's fisticuffs with Mr. Fisk, but no one but total geeks (like me) would notice.


Anyway, overall: incredible script. Great, funny dialogue--especially for Matt's longtime friend and law partner Foggy Nelson--and spectacular action scenes. Fulfills all fanboy wants and needs, but also accessible to the novice. I hope half of it gets on the screen.

My name?

Eel O'Brian

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