Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News


Hey folks, Harry here and this time out you have a new trailer for BATTLE ROYALE... the film from Japan that noone dares release in the United States... land of the free... never mind the FACT that the Surgeon General's latest study on Violence in Media and its affect on Children came up with the fact that Film and TV violence was the 11th.... ELEVENTH contributing factor.... that 10 other societal ills led to violent child behavior... and that most children realize that VIOLENCE on TV and VIOLENCE in the REAL WORLD are SEPARATE THINGS.... Unlike most politicians it seems. ARTISAN... Come on! I know you have the balls to release this baby domestic! I dare ya! I double dog dare ya! Check out the new trailer!

Hey Harry just checking out the Battle Royale site and came across a new battle royale trailer, It looks like a TV spot for the new special edition with new footage, and GOD DAMN does it look fucking awesome!!!!!!!!!!!

Trailer- Download Battle Royale MPG Trailer Here!!!

SIte- Battle-Royale.Com

Thought you'd like to know,


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