Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News


Hey folks, Harry here.... And this is some seriously cool Anime news... especially for those that loved the original and wanted to see more about that universe and those characters. And if Oshii is really on board as director then we do have cause for celebration! Read on...

Whoa, big news for Ghost in the Shell fans. According to Studio Proteus (the locolization firm responsible for GITS manga):

- Masamune Shirow is finishing up the sequal to GITS manga, Ghost in the Shell 2: Man-Machine Interface. For the US/foreign market, there will be foreign version with all the flipping, sound effect/word balloon adjustments to be done by Shirow, and a limited XXX version with extra bits of naughtiness. US localization will begin around the end of this year.

- Mamoru Oshii (the director of GIST, Patlabor series, etc.) has agree to make GIST2:MMI movie.

- Production I.G. (the animation studio that did GIST, Jin-Roh, Blood, etc.) is working on GIST TV series. Don't know it'll be based on GIST 1, 2, or an entirely new story.

Read the whole post here: AT THIS LOCATION


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