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FAT ALBERT the movie!!! No... Really! I mean it! I'm not joking!

Folks, Harry here and right now I'm in a bit of shock. I'm just stunned. I can't believe that someone somewhere is making a FAT ALBERT movie. Hollywood Reporter is reporting that Bill Cosby and Charles Kipps have teamed up to deliver the screenplay... which allegedly will have some animated moments... And FOX is going to make this as a tentpole picture.

Personally, I feel that's the wrong way to go. I don't think making FAT ALBERT the movie as a TENT POLE release is the right direction to head. Fat Albert was never a BIG ADVENTURE, BIG STORY, BIG ENTERTAINMENT type of thing. I watched every episode of FAT ALBERT and even just bought a 16mm episode of Fat Albert entitled DOPE IS FOR DOPES that I'll soon own! Unlike most Saturday Morning Cartoons, FAT ALBERT was about real stories and real moments in young kids' lives. Fat Albert was surrounded by his misfit friends in a low-end side of town. There is a potential here, if nurtured correctly to tell a series of stories about the lives of the junk yard gang... The Fat Albert universe acknowledged the homeless, death and drugs... It recognized that the world had ugly as well as beauty in it. And the characters were not made for laughs alone... they had soul.

My worry is that by trying to make it into a gigantic huge box office monster, they'll over-shoot... They'll possibly lose the little moments that made the show magic. I'm enthusiastic because Bill Cosby seems to very much be involved in the film, but I just hope he can remember what Fat Albert was... and I'd really love for it to take place in that late seventies early eighties world. And a cameo of the BROWN HORNET would be cool too...

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