Ain't It Cool News (

Is Buffy's Mom Really Dead''

I am – Hercules.

We’re not going to get another new glimpse of the Sunnydale Slayer Circle at least until March 27 -- but now that we’re just six new episodes away from the big one (the long-anticipated 100th episode/season five finale), speculation is running at a fever pitch.

Much has centered around “The Body,” which was written and directed by series creator Joss Whedon and dealt with the aftermath of Joyce Summers’ sudden and unexpected death. The episode ended with Dawn about to touch the face of Joyce’s corpse, and many fans are wondering whether The Key will revive the fallen matriarch.

Whedon says it’s not going to happen.

It is among the five great answers about “The Body” Whedon gave TV Guide Online. Whedon also talks about the Christmas flashback, the absence of a musical score, Willow and Tara’s first onscreen kiss, and the reason Buffy slayed a vampire at episode’s end. Read Michael Ausiello’s EXCELLENT and eye-opening article here.

Whedon’s assertion that "Dawn's special energy will not bring Joyce back” seems to borne out by this rundown of this season’s last six episodes provided by “Cap’n Kronos.” Many possible spoilers ahead:

5.17 (Intervention)

 Buffy’s father visits Sunnydale for Joyce’s funeral and to take custody of Dawn

 Spike tests the Stepford Buffy

 Appearance of Joyce’s date, “Brian”, who is connected to Glory/Ben

5.18 (Forever)

 Anya is offered a shot at regaining her demonic powers, which causes major drama in Casa Del Xander

 Spike’s “Master Plan” – replacing Buffy with the Stepford Buffy – is revealed

 Buffy quickly uncovers said plan, destroys the Stepford Buffy, and beats Spike to an inch of his unlife (supposedly worse than he’s even been beaten before). She then issues Spike an ultimatum: leave Sunnydale or get staked

 Spike hints that his Inhibitor Chip is now either malfunctioning or has been removed

 Brian is revealed to be the father of Glory/Ben

5.19 (N/A)

 Much exposition on the natures & histories of Glory, Ben, Brian, and Dawn

 Glory and Brian want to bring the Hell dimension they rule into this one; Ben doesn’t want to; the Key (i.e. Dawn) opens the dimensional gateway and can also split Glory/Ben into two separate entities.

 Spike offers to deliver The Key to Ben/Glory & Brian in exchange for the removal or neutralization of the Inhibitor Chip. They agree, and Brian neutralizes the chip. Spike delivers Glory and Brian to the Magic Shop, chaos ensues, ending when Glory reverts to Ben, who runs off.

 Spike tries to tell the gang that he did it to try to lure the Hellgods to Buffy; Buffy is not amused and threatens to kill him.

 Spike leaves Sunnydale

5.20 (N/A)

 Oz returns to Sunnydale

 The Hellgods learn Dawn is The Key

5.21 (N/A)

 The Hellgods kidnap Dawn and begin their rituals to open the dimensional gateway

5.22 (N/A, 100th Episode and Season Finale)

 The forces of Good (Buffy, Scoobies, Oz, Angel (!), and Faith (!!) ) prepare to battle the Hellgods with the fate of the universe at stake

 At a climactic moment in the battle, Spike returns to battle alongside Buffy; his presence helps turn the tide

 Faith redeems herself when she takes a fatal blow intended for Buffy and dies

 After the Battle, Spike tells Buffy that he’s over the crush, and wants to fight alongside her—not for money, but because it’s the right thing to do. Touched, she and Spike have a moment, and she gives him a chaste hug.

 Spike uses that moment of vulnerability to plunge his fangs into Buffy’s neck, snarling, “If you won’t love me as a human, then there’s one way you will….” And he opens a vein and forces Buffy’s mouth around it… If these are true, it’s gonna be a LONG summer.

General Season Spoilage

 Robin LaMorte may return for a cameo as Jenny Calendar

 Marc Blucas (Riley Finn) will not return this season Hope you can do something with these!

-Cap’n. Kronos

We don’t know where Kronos gathers his info; we can appraise its reliability as the season wears on.

I secretly crave your defiance!

I am – Hercules!!

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