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The New Direction of SPAWN

Hey folks, Harry here... Over at SPAWN.COM, they are running a story about the pitch and how it went with Columbia on the planned new direction that SPAWN will take... It reveals that Spawn will be treated much like Bruce was in JAWS and how the main characters will be Sam and Twitch... How the film will play into the world of SPAWN, but not be about SPAWN specifically.. how Sam and Twitch chase shadows, find the aftermath, witness and hear the dying testimony of scum in alleys... They reference L.A. CONFIDENTIAL and SILENCE OF THE LAMBS as tone guides... and that we will never see full on shots of SPAWN, but rather... keep him mysterious and mythical... a thing to plague the nightmares of those that haunt the streets at night.

Personally... I feel this is an absolute killer direction to go in. So many so-called SUPERHERO movies focus on the heroes and not the worlds they inhabit and create... too often we fixate on the actions and motivations of the man of mystery to such a degree that he/she ceases to be a thing of mystery and becomes merely... dumb. If they nail the script and it doesn't come across as being cheesy junk food trash, well... then perhaps we'll have a completely different direction for some 'super-hero' films to take. Meanwhile, I thank that muncher of banana peels, Monki for pointing me in the general direction of the story...

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