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New BABYLON 5 For 2001!!

I am – Hercules!!

And now, my tribute to the great Glen Oliver!

Sci-Fi Wire , the official site of the Sci-Fi Channel, announced today that “Babylon 5” creator J. Michael Straczynski is working on a two-hour telefilm called “Babylon 5: The Legend of the Rangers.”

The telefilm, to appear on Sci-Fi later this year, will take up the story of the legendary Ranger fleet as it attempts to restore order to hundreds of civilizations devastated by the Shadow War.

Look for the mysterious Ranger force - a combination of humans and alien Minbari - to face deadly challenges in its attempt to create peace out of the war's destruction.

The Rangers are said to follow a unique alien philosophy, be good with the space combat, and have little difficulty beating other humanoids up.

Babylon 5 cast members may appear in the movie, which will also serve as the pilot for a potential Sci-Fi Channel series.

Is Time For Smilemasters!!!

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