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GHOSTS OF MARS larger, clearer trailer!

Hey folks, Harry here with an upgrade to the trailer for GHOSTS OF MARS that Smiling Jack had up yesterday... Sony has gone and posted a high and low res rendition of the first teaser for John Carpenter's latest film. And though I looked really, really hard... no Harry head yet. But hey... that's cool...

My favorite part of the trailer is the music and the segmenting of the screen to the score. However, the problem with the trailer and any of the advertising for this film... well, they can't show you the stuff that would make you go "OH SHIT!" because the MPAA won't let them relish in decapitated heads and metal pushed through bleeding skin... Just ain't gonna happen... But the film'll have it...

Also, almost ZERO effects work has been finished at this early stage. Speaking of ZERO, that pumpkin-nosed ghost's best friend is who pointed me in the right direction... Way To Go Boy!

Click here to go get high quality versions of the GHOSTS OF MARS trailer

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