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HoneyBear continues to illuminate the MATRIX 2 set with Pics from the Sky!

Man oh man... Harry here, when it rains it pours and folks the sky has parted this week on MATRIX 2. I'm so happy to be bringing you some wonderful stories this "April Fool's Day" when other folks seem so intent on trying to... ahem... be funny. Ah, there's more than enough real stories to bring up without reverting to childish pranks... And folks... damn... DAMN... I want one of them silver coats... and that old-man Elvis Mitchell hair that these Virii guys are sporting... Mighty cool. Now, I turn you over to HoneyBear, who climbed a tree and brought us our honey!

Hi Harry,

I'm just a fan of your site who happened to be at the right place at the right time and wish to be referred to as "Honeybear". I am posting pics that complement "Burlyman's" photos.

I did see the car run up onto the curb (as mentioned earlier by Burlyman) and narrowly averted what could have been a disaster because two extras sitting at the bus stop were mere inches from the car's fender. But I was relieved to see no one got hurt.

I am including pictures of actual takes and have a picture of the Caddie in the middle the turning maneuver; I to was impressed with the driving ability of these stunt doubles...Anyways, Enjoy!


Above, look at those bad-ass silver coats!!! DAMN THAT'S FINE LOOKING!!!

Above is a scene with a stripped down version of the car, so they can get interiors as well more controlled intimate shots while moving quickly.

Above is another photo of the Cadillac being used by Trinity and Morpheus...

The above is an image of the BackDrop... which I can't really make out all that well...

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