Ain't It Cool News (
Movie News

New Yorkers' Wanna Be In SPIDER-MAN'

Hey folks, Harry here... Man, is today a superhero news day or what? We've been getting comic news all day... Weird... Well you eastcoasters.. you've been reading and seeing the westcoasters filling in for you and I'm sure you've been thinking... "HEY, WHEN WILL THEY LET SOME REAL NEW YORKERS STEP IN?" Well... Now you have your answer... Hop on this... Real Quick....

Hey Harry,

This is Scooby from Thought this might be of interest to your readers:

'Spider-Man' will be filming in the NYC area for three weeks (April 14th-May 4th). Unlike LA, it looks like you will be a paid extra, but that means there is more involved. What exactly does more involved mean? Send a 8x10 headshot & a resume (if you have no experience, just list your vital stats: height, weight, eye color, etc.) to:

Grant Wilfley Casting
Att: Kristan Sorge
60 Madison Ave, #1027
New York, N.Y. 10010


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