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MATRIX 2 -- freeway stunt tidbit

Hey folks, Harry here... dis ain't much but it sounds pretty fun... The idea of building a freeway so that you can do stunts that would be illegal on basically real highways... well, that's pretty cool. Though will it be as cool as the hearse stunt in PHANTASM 3? That's the real question!

Hi Harry:

I wrote you once before about a preview screening I saw of Quills.

This is the first time I've had anything really to report of "scoop" potential.

At first I thought that it wasn't really newsworthy, but all day today, I've been thinking about it and the few people I've told were like:

"Whoa! That's gonna be cooooool!"

Anyway, here goes. You be the judge.

I went by a friends' house last night. This person wasn't home, but This person's roommates were and one of the them has been working on the Matrix 2 for some time (I'd rather not give too many details, in case This person's job would be in jeopardy. Dunno)

This person showed me some "standing-on-the MATRIX freeway" pics. Most of 'em sucked, but one of 'em was really good. "It looks just like a damn freeway" I said. "It IS a freeway" This person said.

I'll paraphrase what This person said next:

"I was watching them film (MATRIX 2) and they were doing car stunts that were crazy! They were flipping this car end-over-end ..."20 FEET IN THE AIR" and were "going, like 50 miles per hour" doing the stunts!"

That was about all I got for specifics. This time. I'll try to get more.

Dunno if this is worth a post on it's own, but it's something cool that sticks in your head...

talk soon.


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